Reconstructive surgery was a type of medical intervention focused on repairing physical damage or modifying the physical structure of a living being. Individuals known to have practiced this type of surgery included Doctor Cornelius Evazan, Laparo, and Thromba. Darth Vader is a well-known example of someone who underwent significant reconstructive surgery following his battle against Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Mustafar.
Doctor Cornelius Evazan previously conducted surgical operations at Dr. Evazan Cosmetic Surgery, a medical center situated in the settlement of Pons Ora located on Abafar, but the clinic ceased operations at some point during the Clone Wars. Evazan gained infamy for his "creative surgery" practices, which often left his unsuspecting patients with permanent scarring.
A facial transformation program was implemented in 20 BBY to achieve a rapid but painful temporary alteration of Obi-Wan Kenobi's appearance, transforming his features to resemble those of Rako Hardeen.
In 19 BBY, Darth Vader suffered the loss of three limbs and experienced extensive burns during his confrontation with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar. Darth Sidious transported his newly appointed apprentice to Coruscant where medical droids performed extensive reconstructive procedures.
By the year 10 BBY, Evazan was employed by Dryden Vos, the public representative of the Crimson Dawn syndicate, acting as his personal physician, but he continued his surgical experimentation by disguising the identities of underworld figures or improving their physical capabilities. Evazan also created the Decraniated, subservient semi-organic cyberslaves who had the upper portion of their skulls removed. He employed a similar technique on Caysin Bog, leaving him alive but without a head.
The Frigosian cryptosurgeons Laparo and Thromba conducted comprehensive surgical procedures to conceal Ryn Biggleston's identity, encompassing facial reconstruction, bone remodeling, altered fingerprints, eye and hair replacement, and skin bleaching to erase tattoos. Following the procedures, Biggleston underwent a recovery period in a bacta tank for three days.
Kyrsta Agate needed the procedure to address facial injuries she sustained when Gallius Rax orchestrated an attack on Liberation Day to disrupt the peace negotiations that were occurring on Chandrila.