Red Company was a company comprised of clone scout troopers. This unit was part of the 41st Scout Battalion, which itself was a component of the larger 41st Elite Corps. In the time leading up to the Battle of Kashyyyk, a clone trooper in the role of a unit commander gave the order for all Red units to gather at a specific location while preparing the defenses along the beach. During the ensuing battle, Red Company was responsible for defending this beachfront area.
The Red Company was a scout infantry company assigned to the 41st Scout Battalion within the broader 41st Elite Corps. Being a part of the Grand Army of the Republic, the company adhered to a standard structure, consisting of 144 troopers organized into four platoons and various subunits. The troopers of Red Company were clone scout troopers wearing green forest camouflage and were equipped with DC-15A blaster rifles.
During the Clone Wars, which took place between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems after the Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY, the Jedi High Council made the decision to send a strike force to the planet of Kashyyyk. This force was intended to bolster the Wookiee Army as they faced an attack from Separatist forces. The 41st Elite Corps gathered at a staging area located on Coruscant, where equipment and vehicles were loaded onto a Venator-class Star Destroyer. Yoda then arrived to take command of the Republic's military contingent.

Upon arriving on Kashyyyk, the 41st Elite Corps, including the 41st Scout Battalion and its subordinate companies, established defensive positions in Kachirho. Kachirho was the main beach city and capital on Kashyyyk, and the Republic forces reinforced the local Kachirho Wookiee Militia. As preparations were underway for the coming battle, the 41st Scout Battalion dispersed its units throughout the area. Red Company was assigned to the beachhead, while another company took up positions in the large Wroshyr trees. Amidst the preparations, Red Company's unit commander issued orders for the company to relocate to a specific location due to the disorganization. Other company members were in communication with General Unduli. As the Battle of Kashyyyk commenced, the company bravely defended the beachhead against the Separatist forces. As the Separatist assault intensified, some members of Red Company sought cover while others in the company, positioned in the trees, returned fire from above.
A unit commander was in charge of Red Company, and they reported to Jedi Generals Luminara Unduli and Yoda.
Red Company's first appearance, although without a specific name, was in the 2005 theatrical film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, which is part of the Skywalker saga. The company's name was revealed in the 60th edition of Star Wars Helmet Collection published by De Agostini.