
Salarr was a male Human criminal figure. During the Cold War era, which saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, he held a leadership role within the Black Sun criminal organization. Functioning as one of the leaders on the Republic capital world of Coruscant, Salarr forged an alliance between Black Sun and the Sith Lord Tarnis, who was operating undercover as a Republic scientist. In 3643 BBY, Salarr assisted Tarnis in orchestrating his own kidnapping in exchange for receiving Imperial weapons and armor. However, when the Coruscant Security Force and a young Jedi Knight launched an attack on Black Sun's headquarters, Tarnis betrayed Salarr. Salarr subsequently died during the ensuing firefight.


Salarr, a male Human, became a member of the Black Sun criminal organization on the planet of Coruscant. By 3643 BBY, during the Cold War period between the Sith Empire, he had risen to a position of leadership within the syndicate. In that year, the Sith Lord Tarnis—disguised as the Republic scientist Doctor Eli Tarnis—approached Salarr with an offer. Tarnis proposed that Black Sun provide its services in return for advanced Imperial weaponry and armor. Salarr accepted the arrangement, and the Sith then directed Salarr to employ the Rodian thief Vistis Garn to steal plans for a superweapon from a military warehouse. Later, when Tarnis believed his true identity was at risk of being revealed, he instructed Salarr to organize his staged "kidnapping" by Black Sun.

Salarr's operatives infiltrated the Senate Tower, subdued Tarnis's security detail, and then escorted the scientist to the nearby Senate Plaza taxi stand. Salarr's second-in-command, Zeer, led the group to the Coruscant Spaceport, where they established a defensive position within one of the docking bays to create a diversion for the Coruscant Security Force. Meanwhile, Tarnis abandoned his Black Sun allies at the taxi stand. Instead of proceeding to Black Sun territory as planned, he went to the territory controlled by his other associates, the paramilitary organization known as the Justicars' Brigade. After Zeer's capture, he revealed Tarnis's supposed location, prompting CSF Sergeant Nidaljo to lead a special tactical unit to rescue the doctor. Salarr's forces, equipped with Imperial weapons, easily repelled the CSF, forcing the police officers to retreat from their attempt to establish a perimeter around the gang's headquarters.

However, Salarr became enraged when a young Jedi Knight arrived to assist the CSF officers. The Knight, along with police officers, stormed Salarr's headquarters from opposing directions after disabling the base's security systems. Consumed by fury, Salarr contacted Tarnis, demanding an explanation and assistance, but was further angered when Tarnis deserted Black Sun to face the Jedi. The Knight and the Jedi's astromech droid, T7-O1, confronted Salarr first. Although Salarr signaled one of his men to shoot the Jedi from behind, Nidaljo's unit arrived just in time to eliminate Salarr's man before he could harm the Knight. During the ensuing firefight, Salarr and his remaining subordinates were killed by the combined efforts of the Jedi and the police officers.

Personality and traits

Salarr, a bald individual with fair skin and blue eyes, bore a prominent scar and a dark tattoo across the right side of his face. He was a seasoned criminal, and he displayed intense anger when Tarnis, his supposed ally, abandoned him to the Jedi and the CSF. Even when facing overwhelming odds, Salarr refused to surrender.


In combat, Salarr wore gray-and-red armor and carried a blaster.

Behind the scenes

Salarr's initial appearance was in "The Rescue," a Jedi Knight-class mission within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game developed by BioWare and released in 2011.

