Sharb, a celestial body of terrestrial nature, was situated within the Chiss Ascendancy in the Unknown Regions. By the year 19 BBY, Mitth'ras'safis, a Syndic of the Chiss, received information pertaining to crop yield expectations for the northern half of Sharb. In 18 BBY, the Grysk agent known as "Jixtus" initially intended to journey to this astronomical object to amplify the attention directed towards the Xodlak family residing there, as a component of his scheme to instigate internal conflict within the Chiss society; however, he ultimately diverted his course to the Chiss planet of Ornfra.
This terrestrial astronomical body, Sharb, was located within the Unknown Regions, specifically within the domain of the Chiss Ascendancy. The northern hemisphere of Sharb was characterized by the presence of crops.
In the year 19 BBY, Mitth'ras'safis, also known as "Thrass" (core name), a Syndic from the Chiss Mitth family, was provided with a report detailing anticipated crop yields for the northern portion of Sharb. During 18 BBY, the Grysk operative identified as "Jixtus," alongside Generalirius Nakirre, the leader of the Kilji Illumine nation, formulated a plan to travel to Sharb. Their objective was to intensify scrutiny on the residing Chiss Xodlak family as part of Jixtus's larger plot to incite a Chiss civil war.
Nevertheless, following the destruction of one of the operative's shipyards by Chiss forces, the Grysk instead opted to travel to the Chiss planet Ornfra. Their revised goal was to obliterate the Clarr light cruiser Orisson and thereby provoke open hostilities between the Clarr and Dasklo families, thus setting the stage for a Chiss civil war. Ultimately, Jixtus himself did not journey to Ornfra, instead dispatching his Shatter-class WarMaster FateSpinner to the planet to ambush and destroy the Orisson. As the Orisson retreated from the ensuing conflict, the warship's commander, Captain Clarr'os'culry, known as "Roscu," surmised that the Grysk WarMaster could not have pinpointed her starship's destination any more precisely than to somewhere between Sharb, Ornfra, and the celestial objects Noris and Schesa.
Within the established Star Wars canon, Sharb received mention in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, which served as the concluding volume of Timothy Zahn's Ascendancy Trilogy. Furthermore, it was depicted on a map provided by publisher Del Rey as a pre-order bonus for the novel. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the planet Sharb appeared in the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry.