Sochek was a hunter of the Trandoshan male variety, serving as a member of Garnac's hunting guild. On the moon known as Wasskah, he met his end, being killed by Wookiees.
During the closing decades of the Galactic Republic, the Trandoshan male known as Sochek operated as a hunter. During the Clone Wars, a conflict that pitted the Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Sochek belonged to a hunting guild led by the Trandoshan Garnac. This group's practice involved capturing sentients from various locations across the galaxy and transporting them to the moon of Wasskah, where they would be hunted. At one point during the war, Garnac, along with several other hunters, journeyed back to Wasskah aboard a ship filled with captives, including the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. They released the group in an area of the moon called Island Four, before going back to the guild's Ubrikkian Floating Fortress, leaving the captives to find their way across the island during the night.

In the morning, Sochek was among the Trandoshans who waited with Garnac in his trophy room for the sun to rise. Once the chamber was illuminated by sunlight, Garnac announced the start of the hunt. Sochek and the other Trandoshans expressed their excitement, armed themselves, and then boarded a series of MSP80 Pteropter hover pods to navigate through Island Four's forests in pursuit of their prey. Sochek shared a pod with his fellow hunter Ratter, and together they came across Lika and [Katt Mol](/article/katt_mol], two of the prisoners who had been released the previous night, as they wandered through the undergrowth. Ratter initiated the attack, catching Mol off guard and killing him, which prompted Lika to attempt an escape. Sochek then took his turn, carefully aimed, and killed Lika with a single shot.
The pair subsequently returned to the lodge. Later that night, Sochek and the other Trandoshans convened in the trophy room, chanting the name of Garnac's son Dar, who aspired to claim Tano as his first Jedi kill. The following day, Sochek piloted a pod on his own, locating Tano and three Jedi younglings who had been previously captured. The hunter opened fire with his pod's rotary cannon, but the Jedi managed to evade his shots and escape. Subsequently, Garnac, Dar, and another hunter named Lagon pursued Tano and the youngling Kalifa in their pod, resulting in the deaths of both Kalifa and Dar.
Following the death of their comrade, the Jedi were able to board and destroy one of the hunter's ships as it was dropping off more prisoners on Island Four. Sochek and the other hunters flew down to the crash site to inspect the damage, and discovered the two Trandoshans who had been piloting the vessel were dead, and the sole prisoner, a Wookiee named Chewbacca, was gone. The Wookiee had allied himself with the younglings, and the next day the four managed to board the hunting lodge by hijacking one of the Trandoshans' hunting pods. Along with the other hunters, Sochek attacked the boarders, but fire from the captured pod forced him and Ratter to take cover.

Garnac was successful in shooting down the pod, causing Tano and her companions to fall to the ground, which gave Sochek and the others an advantage. However, before they could shoot their foes, the mercenary vessel Halo arrived and dropped off several Wookiees who had come to rescue Chewbacca. During the resulting conflict, Lo-Taren and Sochek sought shelter behind a pod, but Lo-Taren was struck and killed by the Wookiee's blaster fire. While Sochek was distracted, the younglings used the Force to move the pod, providing the Wookiees with a clear shot at Sochek, who was subsequently shot and killed.
Sochek possessed a heavier build compared to most Trandoshans and had green scales. Notably, he lacked feathers on his head. Sochek was skilled with a sniper rifle, demonstrating the ability to eliminate a fleeing target from a considerable distance.
During hunts, Sochek utilized a blaster rifle and wore yellow-tinted goggles. His attire consisted of a black shirt covered by a gray sleeveless jacket, along with a pair of brown shorts.
Sochek's initial appearance was in "Padawan Lost," the 21st episode of the third season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was broadcast in 2011. While he was not named within the show itself, his identity was revealed in the episode guide for Padawan Lost published on Sochek's name and tinted goggles are an allusion to the character Walter Sobchak from the Cohen Brothers film The Big Lebowski. His character then reappeared in the subsequent episode, "Wookiee Hunt," where he met his demise.