The tactic known as the Spiral, a term used by New Republic pilots, was a combat maneuver employed by TIE fighter pilots from the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing during the Galactic Civil War. During an engagement in 4 ABY, the 204th's pilots utilized this specific attack formation while attacking the New Republic EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate named Hellion's Dare which was positioned above the planet of Jiruus. The Hound Squadron pilot named Yeprexi met his demise shortly after, due to the TIE pilots' use of this maneuver. In 5 ABY, during a battle that took place at the Core Nine mining megafacility located on the planet Troithe, pilots from the same fighter wing also implemented the spiral, ultimately killing the New Republic airspeeder pilot named Prinspai.
The spiral was initially introduced in Alphabet Squadron, the first novel of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy written by Alexander Freed, and released in 2019.