Tempest Force represented an elite legion within the forces of the Galactic Emperor, specifically those commanded by Sheev Palpatine. A naval trooper detachment within this Force found itself under the leadership of both Major Hewex and Lieutenant Renz. During the Galactic Civil War, Tempest Force held a garrison position on the forest moon of Endor, their primary objective being the protection of the Galactic Empire's shield generator bunker. In the year 4 ABY, this formidable legion engaged in combat against a Rebel Alliance strike team alongside the indigenous Ewok warriors during the Battle of Endor. Ultimately, the rebel forces succeeded in destroying the bunker, which in turn deactivated the shield generator, leading to the destruction of the Death Star it was designed to safeguard.
Tempest Force functioned as a legion, fulfilling the role of garrison for Imperial Military forces stationed on the Forest Moon of Endor. This legion comprised personnel and units from both the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy, notably including the Ghost Lancers scout trooper company, Gamma Squad, Theta Squad, a scout trooper platoon, a stormtrooper squad, and a Imperial Navy Trooper detachment. Their arsenal included All Terrain Armored Transports, All Terrain Scout Transports operated by skilled AT-ST drivers, and swift 74-Z speeder bikes.
During the period of the Galactic Civil War, Tempest Force was dispatched to Endor's surface with a critical mission: the defense of the shield generator complex. This complex was vital for protecting the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, which was then under construction within the moon's orbit. In 4 ABY, Tempest Force played a significant role in the Battle of Endor, facing off against a Rebel Alliance special forces strike team determined to eliminate the deflector shield generator. Initially, they captured the strike team, but soon found themselves under assault by the Ewok warriors native to Endor, leading to intense combat outside the Imperial facility. Ultimately, the Alliance forces managed to penetrate the defenses and destroy the generator, which was swiftly followed by the demise of the second Death Star. In the aftermath of the battle station's destruction, surviving members of Tempest Force continued to fight against arriving Rebel Alliance reinforcements, receiving assistance from the presence of Inferno Squad.
Within Tempest Force, a range of Imperial officers held key positions. General Ire Falk served as the Imperial Army commander on Endor, while Colonel Dyer oversaw the shield generator complex. Major Hewex commanded the Imperial Navy Trooper detachment. Other notable officers included Major Newland, Imperial Army Commander Altadan Igar, Lieutenant Blanaid, Lieutenant Renz, and Sergeant Hume Tarl.
Tern Koyatta, a maintenance technician stationed with the Endor detachment, later falsely claimed to have held the ranks of general and administrator overseeing a hidden weapons cache. Koyatta's fabricated rank stemmed from stealing a uniform from a deceased Imperial officer during the Battle of Endor, along with the use of a code cylinder.
Within current canon, Tempest Force was first formally identified by name in an art print created by Cat Staggs for Celebration Anaheim. The capitalization of "Tempest Force" was subsequently clarified in a preview for the Star Wars: Legion game.