The Big Bang

"The Big Bang," an episode of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, was never fully completed. A story reel version of this episode was made available on on September 25, 2014. This release formed a part of The Clone Wars Legacy project. Even though the series was canceled before the episode's completion, it is still regarded as official Star Wars canon.

Official description

Obi-Wan and Anakin are faced with the challenge of preventing a powerful weapon from ending up in General Grievous' possession, and they must exhaust all possible means to do so.

Plot summary

Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, uses a stolen starship to contact the Jedi High Council on Coruscant, warning them about the peril of the kyber crystal falling into General Grievous' control. In the distance, a Separatist fleet is positioned in orbit around Utapau. Grand Master Yoda instructs Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to ensure that the Separatists do not acquire the crystal.

In the meantime, two battle droids are piloting a Maxillipede shuttle, attempting to lure the pursuing Jedi into the path of the Separatist fleet, hoping for their destruction. The Jedi pilots their stolen starship deftly, avoiding the Separatist warships' attacks. During the pursuit, Anakin reminds Kenobi of his professionalism after his former master cautions him about the approaching Separatist fighters. Grievous, piloting his starfighter, joins the chase and deploys Vulture droids to harass the Jedi.

During the aerial battle, Kenobi successfully uses the ship's laser cannons to shoot down the pursuing Vulture droids, causing one to crash into the bridge of a nearby Munificent-class star frigate. The Separatist shuttle, carrying the kyber crystal, docks in Hangar Bay One of a massive Separatist supply ship. Kenobi decides they must follow the crystal onto the ship and orders Anakin to set the ship's autopilot to land on the vessel. The two Jedi then use escape pods to abandon their ship, but they become separated, landing in different hangar bays.

Kenobi is defeated by Grievous

Within Hangar Bay One, Kenobi battles battle droids but is soon surrounded by General Grievous, several Vulture droids, and droidekas. Kenobi engages the cyborg general in a lightsaber duel, but he is ultimately defeated and captured. The battle droids restrain Kenobi on a platform and imprison him in a cell. Meanwhile, in a control room, a battle droid presents Kenobi's lightsaber to his commander, who, after being warned that another Jedi is still at large, orders a second sweep of the ship. Anakin then appears and destroys all the droids in the room with his lightsaber. After examining a computer, he discovers that the kyber crystal is being moved to a vault and that Kenobi is imprisoned.

In the command bridge, Grievous informs Count Dooku that he has secured the kyber crystal and captured the Jedi Kenobi. When Dooku inquires about Skywalker, Grievous assures him that every effort is being made to locate and capture him. Dooku then instructs Grievous to execute Kenobi and deliver the crystal to Serenno, emphasizing that failure is not an option.

The battle droids escort Kenobi towards an execution chamber. The Jedi manages to create a distraction by reminding the droids about the Yavin Code, a principle from the Yavin Convention which stated that executed prisoners must be blindfolded. Shortly thereafter, Skywalker reappears and rescues his master, destroying the battle droids in the process. After joking about the Yavin Code, Skywalker returns Kenobi's weapon, reminding him that "the weapon is his life."

Upon arriving at the execution chamber, Grievous discovers that the Jedi have escaped. He strikes one of his battle droids in anger and orders them to find the escaped Jedi. Meanwhile, several battle droids are moving the kyber crystal into a vault. The two Jedi follow the droids into the vault and conceal themselves as the droids leave the chamber. However, the Jedi find themselves locked behind several armored doors, preventing their escape. On the command bridge, Grievous receives a report that the Jedi have not yet been found. The battle droid commander suggests that they may be hiding in the ventilator shafts. Grievous decides to send a squad to inspect the vault.

Back in the vault, Kenobi instructs Anakin to wait for the battle droids to arrive. The Jedi then use the kyber crystal to defeat a squad of droids. They are confronted by a second squad, but the two Jedi use the stolen crystal to deflect their blasts, incinerating the battle droids. A dwarf spider droid then opens fire on the crystal, causing it to deflect the blast. Kenobi and Skywalker take cover. On the command bridge, a battle droid reports a significant energy surge originating from the vault. Grievous and his IG-100 MagnaGuards head towards the vault.

The Jedi use the crystal to force their way into the Separatist warship's hangar bay. There, they are attacked by numerous battle droids and droidekas. Realizing they cannot bring the crystal back to the Republic, the two Jedi decide to destroy it and escape on a stolen shuttle. Kenobi uses several Armored Assault Tanks to fire on the crystal, causing it to overheat and trigger a catastrophic chain reaction that engulfs the entire hangar bay and warship. The resulting explosion also destroys a significant portion of the Separatist fleet above Utapau. The Jedi escape on their stolen Neimoidian shuttle, while Grievous flees into hyperspace on his starfighter.

Upon returning to Coruscant, Kenobi and Skywalker report their actions to the Jedi Council. Kenobi explains that destroying the kyber crystal was preferable to allowing it to fall into Separatist hands. Master Yoda then shares the history of how the ancient Sith had constructed superweapons powered by massive kyber crystals. He expresses his concern that the mysterious Sith Lord may have similar plans.


