The Vulture-class starfighter, alternatively known as the Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I, or more commonly, the vulture droid, represented an autonomous droid starfighter model. It was produced by the Haor Chall Engineering Corporation and saw service with both the Trade Federation and subsequently the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This fighter's combat strategy revolved around deploying overwhelming numbers. Typically, these droids originated from the cathedral-like factories of Xi Char, where manufacturing precision was elevated to a form of religious expression. They participated in numerous conflicts throughout the Clone Wars.

The combat effectiveness of droid starfighters had been a topic of debate for many years. Vulture droids could execute extreme maneuvers that would incapacitate even the most resilient organic pilot; however, they lacked the adaptability and strategic thinking of living pilots. Nevertheless, the absence of life-support systems freed up space for more fuel and weapons. Furthermore, the lack of a living pilot absolved some individuals of any moral qualms regarding their destruction.
Much like the battle droids that formed the ground forces, vulture droids were initially controlled remotely from a control ship. However, later models gained limited autonomy through the integration of artificial intelligence. They were also known to communicate through a chattering sound. When not flying, vulture droids could transform into a walking configuration, enabling them to patrol surfaces or offer support during ground engagements. They were specifically engineered to perform both space and ground-based functions. A standard Trade Federation battleship had the capacity to carry 1,500 vulture droids.
One variant of the vulture droid was equipped with an ion weapon. A unit of this type engaged Ahsoka Tano and Padmé Amidala while they were piloting N-1 starfighters during a starfighter training exercise. This particular droid was ultimately destroyed.
The vulture droid's design served as a foundation for the creation of the Hyena-class Droid Bomber, another type of automated droid starfighter employed by the Separatist Alliance. Vulture droids were considered less intelligent than tri-fighters and hyena bombers, and their combat effectiveness relied on speed and numerical superiority.

During 32 BBY, the Trade Federation military deployed vulture droids, along with their other droid forces, to seize Naboo. Although vulture droids had been used previously in smaller engagements, such as conflicts in the Elrood sector, skirmishes on the planet Lok, and a skirmish in the Kellux system, the Battle of Naboo marked their first large-scale deployment.
In the space battle above Naboo, vulture droids, controlled by a Droid Control Ship derived from a modified Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter, engaged Bravo Squadron's N-1 starfighters. When Anakin Skywalker destroyed the control ship, named the Vuutun Palaa, all of the droid starfighters were deactivated.

During the Clone Wars, vulture droids were painted with the blue and white hexagonal markings that signified the Separatist Alliance. Upgrades were swiftly implemented, enabling vulture droids to operate independently of a Droid Control Ship. Throughout the war, they participated in numerous battles against the Galactic Republic. As the war progressed, vultures became an increasing threat to their adversaries.
Vulture droids were the most prevalent aerial unit within the Confederacy military. Besides being launched from capital ships, they were also deployed from automated vulture droid deployment stations to defend against approaching hostile vessels. Munificent-class star frigates, a common vessel in the CIS fleet, could accommodate up to forty-two vulture droids. DFS-311 was one of many vulture droids that fought for the Separatists during the war. The vulture droid Iron Assembler served the Confederacy and was further identified as a Scintilla Scavenger.
In 22 BBY, vulture droids participated in the Battle of Christophsis, engaging V-19 Torrent starfighters in space, which resulted in a Confederate defeat. Anakin Skywalker, now a General in the Republic Army and a Knight in the Jedi Order, destroyed Admiral Trench's flagship Invincible using the IPV-2C Stealth Corvette, thereby ending the Separatist blockade of the system. Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi captured Separatist General Whorm Loathsom, ending the Confederate occupation and forcing the Separatist navy to withdraw once more.

Shortly thereafter, vulture droids participated in the Battle of Teth, where they were deployed from C-9979 landing craft carrying a second wave of reinforcements led by Asajj Ventress. The droid fighters began strafing Anakin Skywalker, his newly assigned Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and the Torrent Company of the 501st Legion led by Rex. Anakin, Ahsoka, and the clones evaded heavy laser fire from the vultures, just as one of the vultures destroyed a Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor piloted by R2-D2, who was delivering a holotransmission to Obi-Wan Kenobi about the Hutt Clan's plan to join the Separatists. Despite fierce Confederate resistance, including hundreds of vulture droids being deployed against Kenobi and Clone Flight Squad Seven, Skywalker rescued Rotta the Hutt and delivered him to Jabba's palace on Tatooine.
Vulture droids later saw action in the Battle of the Kaliida Nebula where they were deployed from the Malevolence, a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser under the command of Grievous. They engaged the newly introduced BTL-B Y-wing starfighters piloted by Shadow Squadron and Anakin Skywalker, with Ahsoka serving as his gunner, along with Plo Koon who was escorting the bombers. Grievous ordered the ship's ion cannon to fire on the bombers, disregarding the destruction of the vulture droids. The Y-wings managed to evade the cannon, but Shadow Six, Seven, and Ten were caught in the ion ray along with the remaining droid fighters that were disabled by it.
Vulture droids then accompanied Grievous, aboard his Soulless One fighter, as they pursued the Twilight, piloted by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had just rescued Padmé Amidala from Grievous's captivity. During the chase, the vulture droids fired on the Twilight, but Padmé used the freighter's cannons to eliminate them while Grievous escaped.
Vulture droids participated in the rescue on the Tranquility, escorting Droch-class boarding ships carrying super battle droids and Asajj Ventress. Their mission was to free Separatist leader Nute Gunray from Republic custody while en route to Coruscant for trial. The vulture droids evaded heavy fire from the Tranquility as they cleared the way for the boarding ships to infiltrate the cruiser.

Vulture droids took part in the Battle of Ryloth, a prolonged campaign where the Separatists fought against the Republic's efforts to liberate the Twi'lek homeworld. Upon the arrival of Skywalker's fleet in the Ryloth system to challenge the CIS blockade, a swarm of vultures nearly wiped out the V-19 Torrent starfighters of Blue Squadron and rammed the bridge of the Resolute. Later, General Skywalker destroyed Captain Mar Tuuk's Lucrehulk-class Battleship, and Commander Ahsoka Tano outmaneuvered the remaining Munificent-class star frigates using a Marg Sabl, enabling the Republic invasion fleet to arrive without incident, leading to the successful liberation of the planet.
The droids continued to see action throughout the rest of the conflict, from large-scale battles like at Umbara to smaller skirmishes such as over Felucia after the destruction of Felucia Medical Station HCTFF2. During the Battle of Horain, Clone Captain Rex attempted to contact his commanding officer, General Skywalker, for assistance, but General Kenobi arrived instead, explaining that Skywalker was occupied with vulture droids. At some point during the war, vulture droids were upgraded to carry missiles capable of deploying Pistoeka sabotage droids against enemy starfighters.

The droids participated in the Battle of Coruscant, which proved to be the Confederacy's final stand, as well as the Battle of Utapau. During the former, Count Dooku was beheaded by Anakin Skywalker, and days later General Grievous was killed at Utapau. Following the deaths of the Separatist Council, all Confederate droids, including the vulture droids, were deactivated.

During the Imperial Era, various rebel groups acquired vulture droids, including Cham Syndulla's Free Ryloth Movement, Berch Teller's rebel cell, and the smuggler–turned–insurgent leader Nevil Cygni, known as "Nightswan." In 14 BBY, the Free Ryloth movement deployed hundreds of vulture droids to attack the Imperial Star Destroyer Perilous during an assassination attempt targeting Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader.
Later, Berch Teller's rebel cell obtained vulture droids and other former Separatist equipment and material from Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit, who was plotting against his rival Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. The Bedlam Raiders, a group of marauders operating on the planet Koboh, possessed an army of battle droids that included vulture droids. The Bedlam Raiders acquired the vulture droids, along with the rest of their droid army, from a crashed core ship of a Lucrehulk-class Battleship, which became the marauders' base on Koboh. The Chiss Imperial Navy officer Thrawn collected various Clone War artifacts including vulture droid parts. The insurgent leader Nevil Cygni, also known as "Nightswan," also procured four hundred vulture droids during the battle over Umbara].
By the time of the Cold War, vulture droids were employed as private security forces by the houses of Cato Neimoidia. The X-wing drones used for First Order TIE Fighter Pilots shared visual similarities with vulture droids.