The High Republic Adventures – The Nameless Terror 1
The inaugural issue of the canon comic miniseries, Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Nameless Terror, is titled The High Republic Adventures – The Nameless Terror 1. George Mann penned the story, Eduardo Mello provided the illustrations, and Dark Horse Comics released it on February 22, 2023. It features the narrative Chapter 1: Stranded.
Even in the shining light of the High Republic, there are shadows lurking in the galaxy.
A Jedi mission to the planet Dalna suddenly comes under attack by unknown assailants. As the knights retreat to an ancient structure, it quickly becomes clear that they are far from safe.
Something evil stalks the ruins, a ruthless predator, an unknown terror, a Nameless Fear!
Ty Yorrick, a former Jedi now working as a hunter, is in meditation on her starship during 231 BBY. Her droid companion, KL-03 ("KLO"), initiates a conversation, wondering about her dedication to monster hunting and her reluctance to form friendships. Yorrick dismisses the Jedi Elzar Mann as a "mess" and someone best avoided.
Later, in the cockpit, they discuss potential job opportunities. When KLO mentions recent sightings of the Nameless across the Galaxy, Yorrick references the Shrii ka rai ka rai nursery rhyme. She then recounts a tale that Jedi Master Cibaba had shared about his own Master, Coron Solstus, from Solstus's time as a Padawan more than a century prior.
Xinith Tarl, a Bith Jedi Master, advises the human Master Rok Buran in 382 BBY not to hold himself responsible for the events that transpired on Gloam, specifically the passing of his Padawan, Maliq. Buran is tormented by the loss. Tarl assures Buran that Maliq has become one with the Force and suggests he rest. Suddenly, they are alerted by a proximity alarm and proceed to the bridge of their starship, the Witherbloom.
Inside the cockpit, they observe Solstus and Pako, a Nikto Pathfinder, performing evasive maneuvers. Solstus's Master, Sula Badani, instructs her Padawan to maintain composure. Solstus informs Master Buran that they narrowly avoided a collision with a large grey starship that had just emerged from hyperspace. Badani, viewing the ship through the front viewport, remarks that it appears to be in distress. Master Tarl establishes communication with the approaching vessel via the Witherbloom's comms, offering their assistance.
The grey starship initiates an attack, firing its laser cannons at them, forcing the crew to evade once more. Tarl issues a warning to the unidentified starship, demanding they stand down or face retaliation. Ambar, the Pathfinder, reassures the medical droid EX-5A (Ex-Five) that the Jedi are handling the situation. With the hostile starship advancing, Master Tarl commands Solstus to target the enemy's weapon systems. Subsequently, the enemy starship activates its thrusters, intending to ram the Witherbloom.
Pako is unable to maneuver the Witherbloom out of the way in time, causing the flaming enemy starship to collide with them. The Witherbloom's engines are disabled, and the Pathfinder starship plummets into the atmosphere of a barren planet. The enemy ship also begins to descend. A purple egg falls through a hole in the enemy starship. Meanwhile, Pako crashlands the Witherbloom nearby, creating a large hole in the ground.
Tarl is struck by dislodged ship panels, prompting Buran and Ambar to provide medical assistance. Master Badani seeks Solstus's assistance in opening the damaged upper hatch. Pako reports that the Witherbloom's power regulator is malfunctioning and the ship's coolant systems have been depleted. He cautions them to evacuate before the ship explodes. Buran inquires about the breathability of the outside atmosphere. Badani replies that he doesn't know and warns that the ship is losing oxygen. Badani and Solstus, utilizing their Force powers, manage to force the hatch open. The Pathfinder and Jedi escape before the ship explodes.
Pako confirms the atmosphere is breathable, while Ambar informs Buran that Tarl requires immediate medical attention. However, she laments that her supplies and surgical laboratory were destroyed aboard the Witherbloom. Tarl says that she and EX-Five will do what they can but that they medical supplies to properly treat Tarl. Despite their efforts to care for Tarl, Ambar emphasizes that the Bith Jedi Master needs prompt medical intervention. Buran is uncertain if the planet they have crash-landed on is inhabited. Simultaneously, Badani, Solstus, and Pako survey the crash site, discovering that the ship has been reduced to ashes.
Solstus proposes investigating the enemy starship to search for survivors and acquire medical supplies. Pako is hesitant to approach the other ship, given their hostile actions. Badani concurs with Solstus, stating that the enemy ship represents their only chance of obtaining the necessary supplies to save Tarl. Pako warns that the other survivors are hostile while Buran says that they will be prepared. Concurrently, a shadowy Nameless creature emerges from the purple egg. In the present, Yorrick explains to KLO that crystal was an egg that hatched. When KLO asks who were the people that fired on the Pathfinders' ship, Yorrick recalls that what emerged from the egg was "very, very hungry."
Upon reaching the crash site of the enemy ship, the Jedi and Pathfinders observe that it has split into two. Master Buran cautions the Jedi to be vigilant for survivors, as they are unaware of the reasons behind the other ship's attack. Master Badani suggests attempting to reassure the other party that the Jedi and Pathfinders intend no harm. Buran suspects that the other party will be unwilling to relinquish their supplies. Badani believes that the medical supplies will likely be located near the common area in the middle of the ship or on the bridge. Buran convinces them to divide into two teams. Badani instructs Solstus to accompany Buran, while Pako, Ambar, and EX-Five accompany Badani and the incapacitated Tarl. Buran tells Solstus that they are heading on an adventure.
As Master Badani's group approaches the rear of the enemy ship. Ambar tells Ex-Five to search for an airlock. Badani advises the group to proceed cautiously, as she senses something amiss. Upon reaching an open airlock, they discover the remains of three individuals who have been mauled to death by a beast. Since the airlock was cycled opened, she believes that they were killed after the crash and surmises that something came for them as they tried to leave the ship. As they enter the ship, Badani senses that the Force is trying to warn them and reminds them to close the airlock.
Meanwhile, Buran and Solstus explore the front section of the enemy starship. Solstus thinks that the section's power is down but Buran notices that the emergency systems are trying to come online. While searching for the bridge, Solstus asks Buran if he has been stranded before. Rok admits he has been stranded several times and describes life on the Frontier as challenging. When Solstus asks about Rok's Padawan Maliq, Buran replies that Maliq is one with the Force. The two sense movement and Rok warns Solstus to keep his guard up.
With Tarl's breathing deteriorating, Badani tells Ambar and Pako to find a place to set her down. Pako leads them into a storage area. She tells Pako and EX-Five to watch over the others while she ventures into the cargo bay, sensing the presence of others. Badani is soon attacked by three Path of the Open Hand cultists, who are armed with blasters. However, she uses her Force powers and lightsaber to disarm them.
While exploring the bridge, Buran and Solstus notice the decrepit state of the ship, with the latter describing the ship as a "wreck" and surmising that was why it had trouble exiting hyperspace. Buran consults a computer and believes the ship has enough power to broadcast a distress signal. Through the Force, both Jedi sense a hungry threat outside the starship. Solstus is then attacked by a Weequay Path cultist wielding the staff.
In the cargo bay, Badani confronts the three cultists, who consist of a human man, human woman and a Rodian. When Badani asks what they are doing out here, the woman replies that the Path are protecting the galaxy from the Jedi while the Rodian condemns the Jedi for bending the living Force to their own ends. Badani senses a hungry presence, causing her to convulse uncontrollably. The cultists take the opportunity to flee. Meanwhile, Tarl also begins convulsing. Ambar tells Pako and EX-Five about Tarl's situation and believes it is not related to her injuries.