The Return

"The Return" marks the fifth installment of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season. This episode was initially broadcast on March 6, 2024.

Official description

As our protagonists navigate a perilous mission, tensions escalate amid evolving relationships.

Plot summary

Back on paradise

Omega and a playful Batcher on Pabu.

Upon waking up, Omega enters the main living space of their dwelling and is greeted by Hunter and Wrecker. Wrecker presents her with fruit, a gift from Shep and Lyana Hazard. When Omega inquires about Crosshair, Hunter responds that he is still in the process of "adjusting." Venturing outside, Omega finds herself on the oceanic world of Pabu, where AZI welcomes her. [Batcher](/article/batcher] frolics with several moon-yo among the rocky terrain while Crosshair is engaged in practice with his blaster.

Omega suggests to Crosshair that he needs to engage in conversation with Hunter, but he is insistent on continuing his training. When Omega proposes that AZI examine his hand, Crosshair maintains that he is doing well. Omega initiates a conversation with Crosshair, questioning him about the skills necessary for marksmanship. Crosshair explains that being a sniper entails more than simply looking through a scope; it also requires a comprehensive understanding of one's surrounding environment. Crosshair expresses reluctance to converse with the other members of the Bad Batch because of a perceived lack of trust. Omega advises him to allow them time.

Reunion with Echo

From a vantage point atop a cliff, Hunter questions the wisdom of returning Crosshair's rifle to him so soon. Wrecker voices his trust in Crosshair, based on Omega's faith in him. Omega and the other clones observe Echo's starship, the Remora, as it approaches Pabu island. AZI informs Crosshair that his targeting accuracy for the day was 53 percent, significantly below his usual performance. Crosshair expresses his annoyance.

At the landing zone, the clones assemble outside Echo's starship. Omega embraces Echo. Crosshair mutters about the absence of a hug for him. Echo responds that it will depend on the quality of his intelligence. Later that evening, Omega briefs Echo and the other clones on Tantiss Base. She recounts her encounters with former clone troopers in the detention area, but states that she never saw the contents of the Tantiss vault. When Echo asks Crosshair if he has anything to contribute, Crosshair replies that his knowledge is limited due to his status as a prisoner. Echo clarifies that their objective is to gather as much information as possible about Tantiss Base before proceeding with their next course of action.

Omega presents Nala Se's datapad, explaining that it is non-functional. She believes that it could yield valuable information if they can restore it to working order. Hunter suggests that it might contain schematics and the coordinates of Tantiss Base itself. Echo notes that bypassing Imperial encryption will be challenging in the wake of Tech's passing. Crosshair suggests circumventing the Imperial encryption by accessing an Imperial terminal. When Wrecker asks where they might locate one, Crosshair mentions a remote facility that they could infiltrate.

Hunter announces that he, Echo, and Crosshair will scout the facility, while Wrecker and Omega will remain on Pabu. Omega objects to being separated again. Hunter explains that they have only recently reunited with her and do not want to risk her recapture. Omega expresses her concern for the clones who were left behind on Wayland and insists that she must participate.

Revisiting the past

Later that night, Omega assists the other clones in loading supplies for the mission. Crosshair advises Omega not to be too upset with Hunter, acknowledging her capabilities but reminding her that she is still a child. Omega points out that she is biologically older than him. Wrecker hands Crosshair a chest containing his old armor, explaining that he felt it was wrong to dispose of it.

Omega and Batcher accompany the Bad Batch to the snowy planet Barton IV. Echo's ship sensors detect no life forms, and they land outside the abandoned Imperial depot. Hunter observes that the base is remote but not deserted, and he questions Crosshair about any unfinished business on the planet. Batcher is stimulated by a sensor. When Hunter asks, Crosshair explains that the sensors were put in place to deter raiders. Crosshair responds that the raiders have been eliminated. Before an argument can erupt between Hunter and Crosshair, Echo urges them to remain calm and concentrate on their mission to unlock the datapad. When Omega reminds Crosshair that she advised him to speak, not argue, with Hunter, Crosshair blames Hunter for instigating the argument.

With Batcher's assistance, the clones clear the snow blocking the depot's entrance. Inside the depot, they discover several terminals. Omega determines that the depot's power has been almost entirely consumed by the sensors. Echo proposes diverting all power from the sensors to the depot. When Wrecker asks why the Galactic Empire abandoned the base, Crosshair suggests that it had outlived its usefulness to the Imperials.

Inside the depot, Crosshair discovers the discarded helmets and armor of the fallen Clone trooper garrison stationed there. He places the helmets on top of a crate while Hunter observes. Omega deactivates the sensors and transfers power to the main building. Examining the datapad, Echo learns that the number of Clone troopers being held at Mount Tantiss is greater than they had anticipated. Outside the depot, an unknown presence detects that the sensors are down and begins approaching the base. Batcher barks anxiously while Crosshair goes outside to investigate.

Unfinished business

Echo and Omega focus on the data transfer while Crosshair and Hunter exit to talk. Hunter senses Crosshair is withholding information and asks what he did to lose favor with the Empire. He asks if Crosshair betrayed the Empire like he betrayed them. Inside, Echo has completed his extraction of data from the datapad, which consists mainly of medical records of Clone prisoners. Batcher senses something outside and begins growling anxiously.

Outside, Hunter demands answers about Crosshair's time with the Empire and pushes him. Crosshair tells Hunter that he killed an Imperial officer, emphasising that he betrayed them after they betrayed him. Crosshair says that he risked everything to send them a message from Tantiss but they ignored him. Crosshair blames Hunter for letting Omega get captured and taken to Tantiss. He accuses Hunter of being angry because she escaped with his help and not Hunters help. Before a fight can break out, they hear Batcher barking.

A giant problem

A giant serpentine wyrm emerges from the snow and chases the clones back to the depot. Omega realises that the perimeter sensors were used to ward off the wyrm. Echo decides that they need to restore power to the perimeter sensors. Crosshair says that there is a fuse box for the reserve energy grid at the back of the compound. One of them needs to get over there and reset the grid manually. Wrecker volunteers for the mission. Omega says that she can reactivate the defense system once the power is back. Hunter says that they need to draw the creature away from the sensors before they can reboot or they will be trapped with the creature.

Crosshair volunteers to draw the wyrm away but Hunter insists on doing it as a team. Echo says he will watch them from the tower. Exiting the depot, Crosshair and Hunter attempt to lure the wyrm away from the perimeter. The creature gives chase, causing the ground to crack beneath them. Hunter falls into a hole, which leads into a tunnel. After discussing with Crosshair, Hunter decides to use the tunnel to lure the wyrm away.

Meanwhile, Wrecker searches for the fuse box behind the compound buried beneath the snow. Echo warns Crosshair that the wyrm is pursuing him and Batcher. Crosshair makes a stand and shoots at the creature, agitating it and causing it to dive deeper beneath the snow. Wrecker manages to enter the fuse box and finds the power breaker.

Crosshair and Batcher reach the perimeter. Batcher begins digging through a weak point in the ice so that they can dig Hunter out. Crosshair uses his rifle to smash through the ice. With Omega's guidance, Wrecker activates the navigator, restoring power. Hunter races underground towards the perimeter with the wyrm in pursuit. He reaches the hole that Crosshair and Batcher have dug. They manage to pull him out before the wyrm can grab Hunter.

Brothers reunite

The two clones and Batcher reach the perimeter just as Omega activates it. The perimeter fences let out a sonic wave that irritates the wyrm, driving it away. Batcher barks at the creature. Following their mission, Hunter and Crosshair return as friends. Wrecker also hugs them. Echo is pleased that the rest of the clones managed to resolve their differences peacefully. While the datapad does not yield information about Tantiss' location, Echo reassures Omega that the information she and Crosshair provided will help him and Rex find the Clone prisoners. Echo adds that she did all she could and most importantly she escaped.

Later, Crosshair speaks with Hunter, admitting that he underestimated the Empire's malevolence. Hunter says that nobody really understood what was happening back then. Crosshair expresses regret for his past actions. Hunter says that he also has regrets but that they should keep striving to better. As birds screech, the clones depart on Echo's starship.


