Torius Chord

Torius Chord was a human pilot who fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He was a member of Blue Squadron, operating from the Great Temple located on the moon of Yavin 4. In the year 1 BBY, Chord was present at a meeting within the temple. During this meeting, the rebel Jyn Erso revealed to the Alliance Cabinet the existence of the Death Star, a powerful superweapon. She proposed a plan for the Alliance to steal the Death Star plans from the planet Scarif.

Following the cabinet's rejection of her proposal, Erso spearheaded an unauthorized mission to Scarif. Upon learning of this, the Alliance fleet mobilized to provide support. Chord, identified as Blue Two, accompanied Blue Squadron to the Scarif system. There, the squadron endured significant losses while assisting Erso in her successful acquisition of the plans.


Torius Chord, a human, served as a pilot for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He was part of Blue Squadron, a diverse starfighter squadron stationed at the Great Temple on the moon Yavin 4, as part of the rebel Massassi Group. Shortly after Blue Squadron was partially mobilized for a mission to the planet Eadu in 1 BBY, Chord attended a meeting in the Great Temple along with General Antoc Merrick, leader of Chord's squadron. At this meeting, the rebel Jyn Erso informed the Alliance Cabinet about the Galactic Empire's construction of a superweapon known as the Death Star. She also revealed that her father, Galen Erso, had incorporated a vulnerability into the weapon that the Alliance could exploit to destroy it. To discover this weakness, they needed the plans to the Death Star, which were stored in the Citadel Tower on the planet Scarif. Jyn proposed an attack to steal the plans, but the Cabinet couldn't reach an agreement, leading to the proposal's rejection and Chord's subsequent departure with the others present.

Subsequently, Jyn assembled a group of volunteers and initiated an unauthorized mission to Scarif. News of Jyn's forces attacking the Imperials reached Yavin. The Alliance fleet was then deployed to assist the rebels on Scarif, with Blue Squadron being fully mobilized for the first time, including Chord, who flew under the callsign Blue Two. Upon exiting hyperspace in the Scarif system, Admiral Raddus, the head of the rebel fleet, ordered Blue Squadron to proceed to the surface and support the rebels there. Following Merrick's lead, the squadron began to navigate through an Imperial Shield Gate, which was the only passage through a planetary shield surrounding Scarif. Merrick, along with eleven other T-65 X-wing starfighter pilots and a single UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft, successfully made it through. However, Vangos Grek and two other X-wing pilots crashed into the gate as it closed. Other members of the squadron were trapped outside and forced to join the rest of the rebel fleet in battling the Imperial forces above Scarif.

The pilots who successfully passed through the gate provided aerial support for Erso's troops, destroying All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport walkers and engaging in battles with TIE/sk x1 experimental air superiority fighters. Ultimately, all of them died during the battle. The battle concluded with Erso successfully transmitting the Death Star plans to the Alliance fleet just before the Death Star arrived and fired on Scarif, obliterating the Citadel Tower and killing the surviving rebel ground forces. While some of Blue Squadron managed to escape with elements of the fleet, the combined losses of Blue Squadron and Red Squadron between Eadu and Scarif amounted to nineteen pilots. This left Blue Squadron with so few members that the Alliance questioned its usability when the Death Star attacked Yavin in 0 BBY.

Personality and traits

Torius Chord possessed fair skin, brown hair, and blue eyes.


Torius Chord's flight helmet was marked with symbols also used by other rebel pilots.

While stationed on Yavin, Torius Chord was seen wearing a blue flight suit, along with a white flak vest. Additionally, he wore a white high-atmosphere specialist life support pack, an item typically utilized by U-wing pilots requiring door openings at high altitudes. The pilot's K-22995 light flight helmet was predominantly white, featuring a dark green section above the visor. The sides of his helmet displayed a black symbol: a circle intersected by multiple lines. This emblem was also present on the helmets of several other rebel pilots, including Chord's squadmates Jaldine Gerams and Barion Raner. Above this symbol, Chord had an arc of markings, including a red star shape, two black "v" shapes, and three black "v" shapes within yellow circles. The latter was used by fellow rebel pilot Wion Dillems to signify twenty kills. The top ridge of Chord's helmet featured two more black symbols at the back, consisting of a black circle adjacent to a black triangle, another emblem shared with other rebels.

Behind the scenes

The character of Torius Chord was played by Samuel Victor in the Anthology Series film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which premiered on December 16, 2016. Victor's scenes were filmed at Pinewood Studios in July of that year, with him receiving notification of his role just one day prior to filming. During reshoots of the Alliance Cabinet meeting, Victor and other actors portraying minor characters were prompted to improvise enthusiastic reactions and interjections. Victor's improvisation was ultimately incorporated into the script and made its way into the final cut of the film. While Victor only knew the character as Blue Two, the pilot was also given the name Torius Chord in the reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released on the same day as the film.

