
Veertag was a General in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War, fighting against the forces of the Galactic Empire. This male human was present at the Royal Award Ceremony for the heroes of the Battle of Yavin, which took place inside the Great Temple on the moon of Yavin 4. This occurred before the Alliance undertook an evacuation of Yavin 4. Furthermore, Veertag participated in a meeting of Alliance leaders on the planet Zastiga, where they discussed the Empire's construction of a second Death Star orbiting the moon Endor.


During the Galactic Civil War, Veertag, a fair-skinned human male, held the rank of General within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, opposing the Galactic Empire. Following the Alliance's triumph in the Battle of Yavin, he was in attendance at an award ceremony held within the Great Temple located on the moon Yavin 4. This ceremony recognized the heroic actions of Rebel figures such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca. Soon after the ceremony, all Alliance members were evacuated from Yavin 4 to avoid the inevitable Imperial retaliation after the destruction of the Death Star.

General Veertag looks on at Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo during the award ceremony.

In the time following the Battle of Hoth, he was among several Alliance leaders who convened in a secret meeting at a Rebel safe house on the planet Zastiga. The meeting's purpose was to address the discovery of the Empire's construction of a second Death Star above the moon Endor. During this meeting, the general questioned General Crix Madine about how the Alliance could deploy a commando team to disable the Death Star's shield generator on the moon. He then proposed a plan involving planting false information to suggest the Alliance had a new main base, intending to lure the Empire away as a decoy. However, Princess Leia Organa rejected this idea and instead suggested leading a fake recruiting mission to the Corva sector, aiming to attract the Empire's attention as a moving target. Organa's plan was ultimately approved and executed successfully, contributing to the Alliance's ultimate victory at the Battle of Endor.

Behind the scenes

Veertag's initial appearance was in the Star Wars Legends comic book Star Wars (1977) 65, published by Marvel Comics in 1982. Later, author Jason Fry provided him with the first name "Duron" in the Legends sourcebook The Essential Guide to Warfare. Fry, in collaboration with Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee, established that Veertag was among the unnamed Rebels present at the Royal Award Ceremony depicted in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope through the Rogues Gallery article in Star Wars Insider 133. The novel Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure, written by Fry and Cecil Castellucci, confirmed Veertag's surname as canon in 2015.

