
Woldar was a commander in the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy. This male human served in Grand Admiral Thrawn's Seventh Fleet circa 2 BBY.


Woldar, a commander within the Seventh Fleet of the Galactic Empire's Navy, was a male human officer frequently reporting to Grand Admiral Thrawn. During the Battle of Atollon in 2 BBY, Woldar, present on the Chimaera's bridge, informed Thrawn that a ship had broken through their blockade. While most rebels ultimately escaped, their base met its end.

Following the battle, Emperor Palpatine tasked Woldar with leading the Seventh Fleet in the search for the Atollon escapees. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin was to assist him in this endeavor.

A year later, during the attack on Lothal, Woldar was stationed aboard the Chimaera. Upon the emergence of General Hera Syndulla's Rebel Alliance strike force comprised of T-65B X-wing starfighters from hyperspace, Woldar's count totaled 24 starships. Thrawn responded by deploying TIE fighters, including Commander Vult Skerris' new TIE/D Defender Elite prototype, to engage the incoming threat. After Syndulla maneuvered Skerris into colliding with an Imperial light cruiser and a Star Destroyer, Woldar relayed the resulting damage to the Grand Admiral. Thrawn acknowledged the situation with regret while commending General Syndulla's piloting prowess. Subsequently, Thrawn issued orders for a second wave of TIE fighters to intercept the remaining Alliance vessels. Woldar later reported to Thrawn that all rebel ships had been shot down, although some managed to crash land within Capital City, including Hera's lead fighter. When Thrawn inquired about the TIE Defender factory's status, Woldar confirmed its complete integrity, much to Thrawn's satisfaction.

Personality and traits

Commander Woldar was a brown-haired, light-skinned male human.

Behind the scenes

Woldar's character model was shared with other Imperial officers, debuting in the Star Wars Rebels Season Two episode "Legends of the Lasat." This specific model, identified as Woldar, was first credited in Zero Hour, which premiered on Disney XD on March 25, 2017. Steve Blum provided his voice, also voicing Garazeb Orrelios and other characters in the series. In Season Four, Woldar's model continued its use as a filler for background Imperial officers. In "In the Name of the Rebellion," it appeared three times for distinct, unrelated characters, including Captain Wells.

