Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy

Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy is a young adult novel within the Star Wars Legends continuity, authored by both Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta. Functioning as the second book in the Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights series, its initial publication was handled by Berkley Boulevard during September of 1995. The narrative unfolds in 23 ABY, centering on the experiences of the fourteen-year-old twins, Jacen and Jaina Solo, as they grapple with the challenges posed by the Shadow Academy.

This novel saw further releases in Young Jedi Knights: The Rise of the Shadow Academy (1996) and also in Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Shadow (2002).

Publisher's summary

Brakiss, a Dark Jedi and former student expelled from Luke Skywalker's academy, has significantly advanced his knowledge since his departure. He has achieved mastery over the dark side of the Force, enabling him to establish his own academy, known as the Shadow Academy, for training Jedi.

Now, Brakiss faces an even more demanding mission. Beyond creating a sinister legion of Dark Jedi to serve the Empire, he must accomplish a feat that eluded Darth Vader and the Emperor: abducting the heirs of the Skywalker lineage and corrupting them to the dark side of the Force.

Plot summary

While touring Lando Calrissian's GemDiver Station, Jacen, Jaina, Lowbacca, and Em Teedee find themselves ensnared in an Imperial raid and subsequently abducted. Upon learning of the incident from Lando, Luke Skywalker initiates a rescue operation to locate the missing Jedi trainees. Overcome with guilt for not being present to assist her friends, Tenel Ka joins him on this mission.

In the meantime, aboard an assault shuttle prominently used in the attack on GemDiver Station, the Solo twins and Lowbacca encounter Tamith Kai, the leader of the assault. She informs the students that they are being taken to the "Shadow Academy," where they will be trained to wield the dark side of the Force in service of the Second Imperium. Upon their arrival, they are greeted by Brakiss, a former student of Luke and the headmaster of the Shadow Academy, who reiterates Tamith Kai's message. Subsequently, Jacen, Jaina, and Lowbacca are confined to individual cells.

Given that GemDiver Station, and consequently Lando's Corusca gem broker, was the sole source for the industrial-grade gems used to breach the station's hull, Luke and Tenel Ka journey to Borgo Prime under the aliases "Iltar" and "Beknit." Navigating through the shady spaceport, they reach an even more disreputable establishment known as Shanko's Hive. After several instances of bribery, they finally meet Lando's broker, whose professional integrity is compromised by the offer of a bribe. Luke and Tenel Ka discover that a Nightsister purchased a significant quantity of industrial-grade gems from him. The pair then depart and head towards Dathomir.

At the Shadow Academy, Brakiss and Tamith Kai attempt to influence the three Jedi trainees to embrace the dark side of the Force. Following their disruption of Brakiss's attempts to expound on the virtues of the dark side, Jacen, Jaina, and Lowbacca are once again separated. Dividing the training responsibilities, Brakiss takes charge of Jacen and Jaina, while Tamith Kai focuses on Lowbacca.

Brakiss believed that fulfilling the twins' desires would be the most effective method of indoctrination. Aware of Jacen's longing for his own lightsaber, Brakiss provides him with one and allows him to practice, engaging in duels with the Shadow Academy's holo-remotes. Jaina undergoes a similar experience but ceases her training, expressing her desire to see her brother. Brakiss assures her that she will be able to see her brother after one more dueling session. During this session, Jacen is brought into the training room. However, both siblings are disguised as Darth Vader by the training room's holoprojectors.

Qorl, the TIE/LN starfighter pilot whose report of his encounter with the Solo twins to Brakiss initiated the kidnapping, questions the wisdom of having the twins duel each other. Initially resistant to the criticism, Brakiss eventually acknowledges the validity of Qorl's concerns and orders the holoprojector to be deactivated. The twins, fueled by their anger towards Brakiss and Tamith Kai, are shocked to discover that they are fighting each other, leading to the end of the duel.

Tamith Kai employs her sadistic tendencies in her efforts to turn Lowbacca to the dark side. After Jaina is punished by Brakiss for disrupting his lecture, Lowbacca reveals his quick temper. Tamith Kai decides to exploit this anger by subjecting him to extreme temperatures, flashing lights, freezing water jets, and deafening sounds from a hardened sonic generator. She informs him that the only way to end his torment is to damage the sonic generator, which requires tapping into the dark side. Despite Lowbacca's attempts to maintain his resolve, he eventually succumbs and destroys the sonic generator beyond repair. Tamith Kai then rewards Lowbacca by returning Em Teedee to him. However, the droid has been reprogrammed to be loyal to the Second Imperium, proclaiming, "The Empire is your friend." Contrary to its intended effect, the droid's words strengthen Lowbacca's resolve not to be indoctrinated.

On Dathomir, Luke and Tenel Ka inform the Council of Sisters of the Singing Mountain Clan that they must infiltrate the Nightsisters to locate the twins and Lowbacca. Initially hesitant, the Council is convinced to grant their request by the arrival of two recruiters from the Great Canyon Clan—the clan of the Nightsisters. After an overnight journey, the pair reach the Great Canyon Clan's encampment, posing as willing recruits for the new order of Nightsisters. Following tests to assess their aptitude in controlling the Force, Luke and Tenel Ka are picked up by a quantum armored supply shuttle named the Shadow Chaser.

During their time aboard the Shadow Chaser, Luke and Tenel Ka are subjected to further tests by Garowyn, the Nightsister who captains the vessel. From Garowyn, they learn their destination: the Shadow Academy. With the course to the Shadow Academy already programmed into the navicomputer by Garowyn, Luke is able to safely hurl her into an escape pod and jettison it. The Shadow Chaser finally reaches its destination and exits hyperspace in a remote location. The Shadow Academy then decloaks directly in front of them, its hangar doors opening.

Following another sadistic exercise, Jacen decides that it is time to escape from the Shadow Academy with Lowbacca and his sister. He breaks out of his cell and frees his sister and his friend. Despite his newfound loyalty to the Second Imperium, Em Teedee aids their escape, inadvertently triggering an alarm that alerts Qorl, and subsequently Brakiss and Tamith Kai, to their attempt. The Jedi trainees make their way to the hangar, where a recently arrived vessel has landed. They are surprised to see Luke and Tenel Ka emerge from the vessel. They board the Shadow Chaser while Luke and Tenel Ka proceed to close the hangar bay doors.

In the process, Luke and Tenel Ka encounter a squad of stormtroopers, along with Brakiss and Tamith Kai. The threats are neutralized, but the docking bay's space door refuses to open. However, Qorl, believing that the new recruits have caused more trouble than they are worth, decides to release them. The Shadow Chaser disappears into hyperspace as Brakiss and Tamith Kai exchange accusations.

Back at Luke's Jedi Praxeum, Lowbacca and Jaina begin creating a schematic of the Shadow Chaser, which her mother allows Luke to possess. Meanwhile, Jacen tells Luke that his time at the Shadow Academy has taught him that he is not yet ready for the responsibility of wielding his own lightsaber. Luke ominously predicts that, given Brakiss's intention to form a new order of Dark Jedi, Jacen may soon have to embrace that responsibility.



