
Formos was an Outer Rim Territories astronomical object lying on the hyperspace routes known as the Pabol Sleheyron and the Triellus Trade Route. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Formos served as a processing location for spice transported off of the planet Kessel. Following the collapse of the Empire, heavy fighting between competitors in the spice trade engulfed Formos.


Formos was an astronomical object located in the regions known as the Outer Rim Territories and the Slice, in grid square T-10 of the Standard Galactic Grid. Formos was connected to the celestial body Prishella by the Pabol Sleheyron hyperspace route, while the Triellus Trade Route linked it to the celestial bodies Eadu and Kubindi.


Formos played a role in spice trade operating out of Kessel (a map of the Kessel Run pictured).

Formos played a role in spice trade operating out of Kessel (a map of the Kessel Run pictured).

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Formos served as a processing terminus for shipments of spice traveling out of the planet Kessel. During that time, Formos boasted of protection provided by the Mining Guild of the Empire.

After the collapse of the Empire in 5 ABY, Formos became an easy target for competing parties in the spice trade and became heavily embattled. It was deemed to be unsafe to operate on Formos, leading to the eventual rise of the pirate gang known as the Spice Runners of Kijimi.


At some point between 10 BBY and approximately 1 ABY, the Corellian barkeep known as Midnight mentioned Formos in a book they were writing. In the book, Midnight stated that smuggler starships usually traveled to Kessel from Formos. Midnight also claimed that pilots waiting there to be hired to make the run spent their downtime playing the card game sabacc and getting into trouble.

Behind the scenes

Formos in the Star Wars Legends continuity

Formos in the Star Wars Legends continuity

Formos was introduced in the current Star Wars canon via a mention in the twenty-ninth issue of the De Agostini magazine Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon, which was published around July 22, 2015. Originally introduced as a planet in the Star Wars Legends continuity, Formos made its first appearance in "Way of the Wookiee!," a comic story written by Archie Goodwin, penciled by Carmine Infantino and Pablo Marcos, and published in the ninety-fourth issue of Marvel Comics' Star Wars Weekly comic-book series on December 12, 1979.

Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 29 reuses a map from the 2009 Star Wars Legends reference book The Essential Atlas, in which Formos is depicted as the endpoint of the Kessel Run hyperspace route. The 2018 canon book Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor by Jason Fry, however, establishes that the Kessel Run led to Oba Diah instead, which this article assumes is correct.

Additionally, Tales from Vandor places Oba Diah on what Build the Millennium Falcon 29 and the 2016 Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game depict as the Pabol Sleheyron route. However, a map created for the reference book Star Wars: Timelines and given out as a promotional poster at Celebration Anaheim on May 27, 2022 prior to the book's release during Celebration Europe of April 7 through 10, 2023 instead establishes Oba Diah as Formos's neighbor on the Triellus Trade Route. This article assumes the latter placement is erroneous.










