I'nah's crew

The crew of the Nihil captain I'nah operated aboard a commandeered Galactic Republic cruiser that patrolled the Stormwall hyperspace barrier. In 229 BBY, the Nihil scientist Niv Drendow Apruk argued with I'nah and her crew members when the captain declined to travel to the Outer Rim planet Valo. The aspiring pirate Zyle Keem was caught eavesdropping on the meeting and was escorted away by a Trandoshan Nihil. Keem pickpocketed the Trandoshan's access card and fled I'nah's crew's starship in a shuttle, while I'nah later decided to travel to Valo as well and let Apruk disembark to seek mycopram for his experiments.


The Togruta captain I'nah led a crew that operated on a cruiser. Apart from the captain, the crew consisted of around fifty members of the Nihil marauders, including a Trandoshan and one other Nihil.


During the High Republic Era, I'nah commandeered a cruiser from the Galactic Republic and began leading a crew of Nihil stationed on the starship. For some time, the captain and her crew patrolled the Stormwall, a hyperspace barrier separating the Occlusion Zone from the rest of Republic space. Eventually, the group began interacting with the pirate Tanana Keem's crew, permitting the pirates to use the cruiser as a staging ground for raids and to barter goods.

The crew's leader I'nah argued with Niv Dendrow Apruk (pictured) about traveling to Valo.

The crew's leader I'nah argued with Niv Dendrow Apruk (pictured) about traveling to Valo.

In 229 BBY, the I'nah's crew allowed Keem to leave her child, the aspiring pirate Zyle Keem, aboard their vessel while conducting a heist on the astronomical object Quence in the hopes of leaving Zyle somewhere safe. Later, I'nah held a meeting with some of her crew and the Nihil scientist Niv Drendow Apruk in the ship's briefing room and discussed several topics. When Apruk insisted on traveling to the Outer Rim planet Valo to gather mycopram—a regenerative medical substance—for an experiment, the captain mocked him and refused, while a Trandoshan Nihil protested to the scientist that he was needed on their cruiser.

When Zyle was caught eavesdropping on the meeting, they were led away by the Trandoshan while Apruk and I'nah continued arguing over traveling to Valo. The Trandoshan quickly became overwhelmed and annoyed with Zyle's persistent questions, telling them anything they wanted to know out of frustration—including how many crew members were on the ship and where the ship's emergency shuttles were. Zyle then fled the Nihil crew's ship in a shuttle, using the access card they had taken from the Nihil escorting them, and flew to Valo. Eventually, I'nah also decided to travel to Valo, and Apruk disembarked to seek mycopram. Tanana later expressed her disappointment with Zyle for not following her instructions for them to stay on the Nihil cruiser.

Behind the scenes

I'nah's crew appeared in Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase III.






