
Idel was a human male who served as a commodore in the Imperial Navy and commanded his own Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Around 0 ABY, they led a trio of Imperial Star Destroyers to recapture Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine's luxury pleasure craft, the Imperialis, after it was stolen from Orbital Shipyard CC-24 in the Castell system. Idel destroyed the shipyard and then attempted to use gravity mines to capture the Imperialis.

When that failed, they offered a million-credit reward to whomever brought them the Imperialis, causing the other two Star Destroyers—commanded by Captains Conro and Shan—to try and use their vessels' tractor beams to capture the yacht. The smuggler Lando Calrissian, who was piloting the Imperialis, maneuvered the yacht so that the two Star Destroyers collided, allowing the Imperialis to escape. Realizing they had failed the Emperor, Idel shot themself in the head.

Punishing failure

Idel destroyed Orbital Shipyard CC-24 on the Emperor's orders.

Idel destroyed Orbital Shipyard CC-24 on the Emperor's orders.

During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Commodore Idel served in the Imperial Navy and commanded their own Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Around 0 ABY, after a group of thieves led by the smuggler Lando Calrissian managed to board and steal Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine's pleasure yacht, the Imperialis, from Sienar Fleet Systems' Orbital Shipyard CC-24 space station in the Castell system, Idel was assigned to recover the vessel on the Emperor's orders.

In addition to their own vessel, Idel was given command over the Star Destroyers belonging to Captains Shan and Conro for the mission, and the trio arrived in the Castell system before the Imperialis could escape. The commodore contacted their two subordinates via hologram once above the shipyard and briefed them of their mission before commencing the task by ordering their gunners to destroy the space station in order to make an example of those who failed the Emperor.

The easy way out

Idel killed himself after failing to capture the Imperialis.

Idel killed himself after failing to capture the Imperialis.

Once the Star Destroyers' turbolasers had reduced CC-24 to space dust, Idel turned their attention to the yacht. Ordering Shan and Conro to stand by while they handled the thieves, the commodore had their Star Destroyer release a pair of gravity mines, which would latch onto the Imperialis and prevent it from jumping to hyperspace. However, the yacht's automated defense system quickly destroyed the mines, prompting Idel to offer a million credits to whichever captain could capture the ship first.

Keen to claim Idel's promised reward, both Shan and Conro moved to capture the Imperialis with their vessels' tractor beams. However, Calrissian, who was piloting the yacht, maneuvered the the Imperialis between the two Star Destroyers, causing the two Imperial vessels' beams to lock onto each other instead. The captains realized their mistake too late, and their ships were pulled together into a collision while the Imperialis fled the system. Having witnessed the utter failure of his mission unfold before them, Idel chose to end their own life rather than face the Emperor's wrath. After advising their crew that they might consider defecting to the Rebel Alliance, they took their blaster pistol and shot themself in the head.

Personality and traits

Idel expected little trouble in recapturing the Imperialis.

Idel expected little trouble in recapturing the Imperialis.

Idel was confident that they would be able to reclaim the Imperialis with ease upon reaching the Castell system and had their two supporting captains hold back while they tried to capture the vessel on their own. However, when Shan questioned the need for three vessels on such a mission, the commodore pointed out that it was the Emperor's orders and told the captain to focus on the mission.

After Idel's gravity mine scheme failed, their confidence was shaken to the point that they were willing to offer a large sum of credits to the captain that succeeded in capturing the yacht. After the Imperialis escaped due to the incompetence of Shan and Conro, Idel chose to commit suicide over the failure, avoiding whatever punishment the Emperor might have in store. A human, the mustachioed Idel had blond hair, fair skin, and brown eyes, with a scar running across their right eye socket.


Idel wore a gray Imperial officer's uniform and carried a blaster pistol while aboard the bridge of their Star Destroyer.

Behind the scenes

Idel appeared in the second issue of the 2015 comic miniseries Star Wars: Lando. The issue was was written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Alex Maleev, and published by Marvel Comics on August 12, 2015.



