Jakris was a Mon Calamari guard who served as a top security officer aboard the New Republic Defense Fleet cruiser Vesper. Around 9 ABY, two individuals claiming to be Jedi boarded the cruiser, intending to see a prisoner being held onboard. The ship's captain, Hayle, greeted them and brought six security members, including Jakris, along with him. Hayle welcomed the pair but then accused them of being impostors—he instructed Jakris to have the astromech droid RD-3 scan them for identification. Before Jakris could, one of the visitors ignited her lightsaber and slashed the Mon Calamari's midsection. The rest of the detail was similarly struck down, with half being killed.
Jakris had red skin and green eyes. The Mon Calamari wore the blue uniform and helmet of a New Republic security guard, holstering an A-180 blaster within a utility belt. Jakris's uniform had a patch depicting an astromech droid on its right shoulder.
Jakris first appeared in "Part One: Master and Apprentice," the first episode of the Disney+ television series Ahsoka, which aired on August 22, 2023.
Jakris first appeared in "Part One: Master and Apprentice," the first episode of the Disney+ television series Ahsoka, which aired on August 22, 2023.