The weapon was present during the rescue of Padawan Ahsoka Tano on Florrum, and the invasion of Florrum that followed it. It was later present during the duel at the Jedi Temple between Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and the rogue Jedi Barriss Offee.
Around twenty years before the Battle of Yavin, the Tholothian Jedi youngling Katooni was sent with a group of fellow younglings to the planet Ilum in order to participate in the Gathering, a Jedi ritual where the youngling would retrieve a kyber crystal to power his or her lightsaber. Katooni travelled to Ilum on board the Crucible alongside his fellow younglings and Padawan Ahsoka Tano, who was their guide for the experience. Upon touching down, Katooni and the other younglings travelled to the Crystal Cave, where they and Ahsoka met with Grand Master Yoda for the beginnings of the trial.
Yoda explained that the younglings would have to travel deep into the caverns of the cave to retrieve the crystal meant for them, and if they didn't make it back before the exit froze over they would most likely die. The younglings hastily travelled into the cave and split up to find their crystals. Katooni was able to find her crystal rather quickly, but she had to climb to get her crystal. Eventually Katooni was able to obtain her crystal, escaping the Crystal Cave with little time to spare, as she had been trapped in ice. When Petro, the last one inside, also made it out, the group travelled back to the Crucible with Ahsoka to build their lightsabers.
After leaving Ilum's atmosphere, Katooni and the other younglings were greeted by Huyang, a droid who had instructed Jedi for millennia on how to construct their lightsabers. Before she could finish, the Crucible came under attack by the Ohnaka Gang, a band of ruthless pirates led by the infamous Hondo Ohnaka.
After several altercations with the pirates, the younglings and Ahsoka were able to drive them off their ship, but Ahsoka was captured by the gang and taken to their stronghold on Florrum. After the attack, the younglings contacted Master Kenobi and told him what had happened. He instructed the younglings to stay put until he could assist them and Ahsoka. While waiting for Master Kenobi's arrival, Katooni finished building her lightsaber, but it couldn't ignite.
After being captured by pirates, the younglings and Ahsoka convince Hondo's men to take them to Hondo's cell. After some arguing, Hondo demands that the younglings show him their lightsabers to demonstrate their readiness for the fight ahead. All the younglings ignite their sabers, except for Katooni, who still hasn't managed to make hers work. With some encouragement from Huyang and Hondo, however, Katooni finally succeeds in correctly assembling her weapon and freeing Hondo from his electronic field shackles.
During the last year of the Clone Wars, Katooni was present for a lightsaber training exercise instructed by Jedi Master Tera Sinube in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. As she and her fellow younglings trained with their lightsabers, Petro noticed a lightsaber duel occurring between Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and the rogue Jedi Barriss Offee. Katooni and the others watched as Skywalker defeated and captured Offee, bringing her to justice.