Ranjiy's Krayt Hut


Ranjiy's Krayt Hut was a makeshift cantina located aboard the New Republic flagship Lodestar. It was used by the crew of the Lodestar to gather after hours. The space was denoted by a glowing sign that displayed Ranjiy's Krayt Hut. The space included a couch that was worn down to its metal frame. The Krayt Hut served both drinks, mainly cheaper alcohol, and food, including military-grade imitation braised bantha. A bathroom was located somewhat nearby. The New Republic pilot Nath Tensent claimed the suite had once been the shipboard home of an Old Republic Senator from Malastare, and told his new companion and fellow pilot Wyl Lark of such.


In 4 ABY, after Tensent had become a member of the New Republic's Alphabet Squadron, he spent several hours eating, drinking, or gambling in the Krayt Hut. Following a raid on an Imperial outpost that had been relaying messages to the Imperial-controlled planet Pandem Nai, Tensent joined the pilots of Hail Squadron at the Krayt Hut until past midnight and into the morning. As the ragtag crew that made up the newly-assembled Alphabet Squadron, namely Tensent, Lark, Yrica Quell, Kairos and Chass na Chadic, eventually began to bond, they also began to hang out at the Krayt Hut. Following the Attack on Pandem Nai, which was a resounding New Republic win, a victory party was held aboard the Lodestar, with Ranjiy's Krayt Hut playing host to a large group of over thirty pilots, mechanics, and specforce troops. Although some of the partygoers expected General Hera Syndulla to shut down the party, the Lodestars captain arrived at the Krayt Hut to deliver the news that Syndulla would be allowing the party. Syndulla would eventually join the party herself, with Tensent buying her a drink. As the party wore on, Kairos and Chadic were playing sabacc when Chadic heard her music playing, and soon learned that Lark and members of the ground crew had taken her datachips of music to play.

Behind the scenes

Ranjiy's Krayt Hut appeared in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, written by Alexander Freed.






