The Rebel Alliance starbird, also known as the Alliance crest, or as the Resistance crest, was a symbol of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The flight helmets of the Rebel X-wing pilots were adorned with the starbird logo. The former rebel shock trooper Cara Dune had the Alliance starbird tattooed on her cheek. Nearly thirty years after the Battle of Endor, the Resistance adopted the same emblem. Many pilots, including Poe Dameron, wore helmets featuring the logo. The New Republic insignia also had the starbird.
It was created by combining the personal signature of Mandalorian artist Sabine Wren and the three-pronged symbol used by Saw Gerrera.
The starbird was depicted on many objects and symbols, including:
- Ello Asty's helmet
- Poe Dameron's helmet
- Venisa Doza's helmet
- Nien Nunb's helmet
- Jek Tono Porkins' helmet
- Jessika Pava's helmet
- Dosmit Ræh's helmet
- Dak Ralter's helmet
- Luke Skywalker's helmet
- Tyson's helmet
- Snap Wexley's helmet
- LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season — "All I Want For Life Day"
- LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season — "Reindeer Walker"
- LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season — "New Year's Hothin' Eve"
- LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season — "Sithmas Battle"
- LEGO Star Wars: Build Your Own Adventure