In 5 BBY, a human male sentenced by the Galactic Empire to be imprisoned in the Imperial Prison Complex on the moon Narkina 5 served as replacement for the deceased prisoner Ulaf in the prison's Unit Five-Two-D. The new prisoner was brought to the guard box of room five-two and threatened by a guard with a zap rod before being brought out into the room itself.
While the prisoner and guard were descending to the floor of the room on a lift, the other prisoners in the unit staged an escape attempt and stopped the lift half-way down. The guard shocked the new prisoner with the zap rod but then fell to the floor himself after the lift tilted to one side. Taking his opportunity for revenge, Ulaf's replacement shocked the guard with his own zap rod before being shot dead by another guard.
In 5 BBY, a human male prisoner of the Galactic Empire was brought to the moon Narkina 5 in order to serve a prison sentence at the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex built there. He was assigned to Unit Five-Two-D in the prison, as the unit had lost a member when the prisoner Ulaf died the previous day.
Ulaf's replacement was brought by two guards to the guard box above room five-two, where Unit Five-Two-D were already part way through a shift building complex Imperial machinery. A guard manning the guard room's console ordered the new prisoner to stand "on program," and after the trembling prisoner complied, another guard told him to move forward and then threatened him with a zap rod. As the other guards then discussed being behind on a check needed elsewhere in the prison, the guard with the zap rod sparked it near the prisoner's side, reminding him to keep his eyes forward.
Meanwhile, inside room five-two, the rest of Unit Five-Two-D anxiously awaited the new prisoner's arrival. Having learned that the Empire had no intention of ever releasing them, the shift had formed a plan to try and escape centered around the arrival of Ulaf's replacement. They had already armed themselves and sawed through a pipe in the room's refresher to cause flooding over the room's tunqstoid steel floor, which could be used to shock the prisoners. As two more guards arrived in the guard box, the console guard requested a unit override so that they could bring the prisoner out into the room after one of the other guards had checked on the prisoners through an observation window.
Believing all to be going as normal, the guards then ordered all of Unit Five-Two-D on program and three of the guards accompanied Ulaf's replacement out onto the catwalk that overlooked room five-two. After floor manager Kino Loy announced the arrival of the new inmate, Ulaf's replacement and the guard with the zap rod began to descend on a lift to the room's floor. During the descent, the prisoners Xaul and Ham feigned a fight to draw the guards' attention, allowing the prisoner Cassian Andor to jam his ratchet into the lift's track rail, stopping it half way between the floor and the catwalk.
The new prisoner grabbed onto the lift's railing as it shuddered while the prisoner Birnok leapt up and began climbing onto the lift. In order to clear room for the other guards to shoot Birnok, the guard with the zap rod shocked Ulaf's replacement and caused him to collapse. The lift then tilted to one side under Birnok's weight, causing the zap rod–wielding guard to also fall. Seizing his chance for revenge, the new prisoner grabbed the fallen zap rod and shocked the guard on the lift with him. One of the guards on the catwalk above then shot and killed the new prisoner. The other prisoners of Unit Five-Two-D ultimately killed the guards and took control of the prison before escaping en masse.
The prisoner wore paper-thin, white and orange prison scrubs with no footwear. He made use of a stolen zap rod when attacking a guard.
Portrayed by an uncredited actor, Ulaf's replacement appeared in "One Way Out," the tenth episode of the Disney+ television series Andors first season, which aired on November 9, 2022. The Narkina 5 prison sequences were the final scenes shot for the first season of Andor, with the scenes the prisoner appeared in being filmed in Pinewood Studios, London.