Unidentified male New Republic agent

A human male was an agent for the New Republic's intelligence branch. In 4 ABY, he was sent to the planet Vernid after intelligence personnel working for agent Caern Adan found a lead on the former Imperial Major Soran Keize. The man, along with a female agent confronted Keize as he was leaving a festival at the settlement Bakerstown. The pair attempted to arrest the ex-Imperial, leading to an altercation that ended in him murdering the two and fleeing Vernid.


During the Galactic Civil War between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire, the man was an agent for the New Republic Intelligence. In 4 ABY, fellow New Republic agent Caern Adan had people look into the background of Yrica Quell, an defector from the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing that was working under Adan. The New Republic Intelligence subsequently found that Soran Keize, a major in the 204th who Quell claimed was dead, had actually deserted his unit and taken up a new identity as "Devon Lhent." After the former Imperial was traced to the Outer Rim Territories planet Vernid, the male agent, and a female accomplice, travelled to the world to take Keize in.

The agents attempted to arrest Soran Keize (pictured)

The agents attempted to arrest Soran Keize (pictured)

The two agents tracked Keize to the settlement Bakerstown, where locals were celebrating the Red Moon Festival. They approached Keize's dig-rig crewmate Klevin first, and forced the man to bring them to Keize, who was on his way out from the Bakerstown to take a public speeder home. The agents and Klevin caught up with Keize along a maze of bridges over the world's muddy landscape, the latter explaining that the visitors wanted to see him. The woman confirmed "Lhent's" identity and revealed she knew who he really was, the man asking him to come with them. Keize unsuccessfully requested for them to leave, the woman refusing him before reaching for her blaster when the ex-Imperial replied with a baited line.

Keize leapt off the bridge they were on, and the two agents fired at him as he ducked under. The male agent dropped down on the opposite side of the bridge, only to be grappled by Keize before he could find his footing. The former Imperial turned the man's blaster towards his chest. The agent was too confounded by the mud and darkness and squeezed the trigger as his muscles were strained by Keize's grasp, shooting himself dead by accident. Keize killed the man's female accomplice in short order, and Klevin promised to help him cover up their deaths. Keize, however, chose to flee Vernid, telling Klevin to inform their overseer of the murder.

Keize went on to rejoin the 204th and lead the fighter wing. After learning that he was the leader in 5 ABY, Adan's working group, Alphabet Squadron, looked into his past through the New Republic Intelligence's file on him. One member, Captain Nath Tensent, recounted the intelligence on Keize's time on Vernid, citing the murder of the New Republic agents.

Personality and traits

The agent was a human male that appeared young to Keize. When finding Keize at Bakerstown, he and his accomplice approached their target with haste, giving Keize's crewmate Klevin no choice but to lead them to him. They gave expressions that implied to Keize that they were not taking his offers. Upon Keize trying to flee, the agents shot at him. After being grappled to the ground by the ex-Imperial, the male agent was angered and strained his muscles which in grasp, keeping his finger on the trigger. This led to his accidental death as Keize had turned his blaster on him.


The agent wore an ordinary jacket, a poor choice for his time on Vernid as the rain had soaked him to the bone.

Behind the scenes

The man first appeared in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, the first installment of Alexander Freed's Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy.












