A star system known as Midgor became the site of an attack on a convoy. The 204th Imperial Fighter Wing perpetrated this assault, which occurred after the attack on Kortatka as part of Operation: Cinder. General Hera Syndulla of the New Republic and her forces, who were hunting Shadow Wing, eventually discovered and rescued the convoy's survivors.
In the year 5 ABY, a convoy of cargo ships traveling through the star system of Midgor in the Croynar sector was targeted. This happened after the attack on Kortatka during Operation: Cinder. The 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, commanded by Colonel Soran Keize, launched the assault. The convoy was under the protection of the Yomo Council. The TIE/ln space superiority starfighters of the 204th swiftly eliminated the convoy's escort ships. Following this, they inflicted damage upon and disabled the cargo vessels, one of which was the freighter named Diamond Tor. The 204th then departed the area.
General Hera Syndulla and her New Republic forces, aboard the Star Destroyer Deliverance, were engaged in a hunt for the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. They arrived in Midgor on a reconnaissance mission, acting on intelligence provided to the Deliverance by Captain Nath Tensent, a pilot from Alphabet Squadron. Upon arrival, the Deliverance remained at a distance as a precaution against a potential trap, while its starfighter wing advanced. Vitale (Wild Two), a pilot from Wild Squadron, detected something on his sensors. Wyl Lark, the wing's commander, proceeded with Flare Squadron to investigate further, while Hail and Wild Squadrons maintained their position. Ghordansk, a pilot from Flare Squadron, identified an Imperial cargo hauler. Lark conducted a fly-by and attempted to communicate with the convoy. Captain Oultovar Misk of the disabled freighter Diamond Tor responded, requesting assistance and offering their surrender. Misk reported that TIE fighters had attacked them, quickly destroying their escorts before leaving. Lark assured Misk of their assistance, then transmitted an all-clear signal to the Deliverance and instructed his squadrons to aid in the evacuation and damage control efforts.