Oultovar Misk

Oultovar Misk held the rank of captain within the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. In the year 5 ABY, he was in command of the freighter known as the Diamond Tor, which was part of a convoy operating under the protection of the Yomo Council, a group that had separated themselves from the Empire. However, the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, intent on eliminating these breakaway factions, attacked Misk's convoy in the Midgor star system, severely damaging it. After a New Republic starfighter wing discovered the convoy, Misk reached out to the Wing Commander, Wyl Lark, offering his surrender and requesting assistance. Subsequently, he shared intelligence regarding the 204th's activities with the New Republic.


During the period of the Galactic Civil War, Oultovar Misk was a member of the Galactic Empire's navy, eventually achieving the rank of captain. By the time 5 ABY arrived, he commanded the freighter called the Diamond Tor within a convoy. This convoy was under the protection of the Yomo Council, a faction located on the planet of Fedovoi End which had seceded from the Empire following its fracturing after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. That year, Misk's convoy encountered the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing—a unit which was in the process of committing genocides against Imperial breakaway factions on behalf of the Empire's loyalist forces—in the Midgor star system within the Croynar sector. The 204th's TIE/ln space superiority starfighters inflicted damage on the Diamond Tor and eliminated its escorts in a matter of minutes before moving on.

The attack left Misk's convoy in a crippled state, but it was soon discovered by a New Republic starfighter wing, which had entered the Croynar sector in search of the 204th. As Wing Commander Wyl Lark flew past the convoy, Misk made contact via the comm channel, requesting assistance and surrendering the remnants of his convoy. When Lark inquired about the events that had transpired, the captain provided a summary of the 204th's attack. The commander then questioned the motives behind the attackers' actions, which caused Misk to break down in tears as he described the internal conflict within the Empire.

Lark then cleared the way for the refitted New Republic Star Destroyer to proceed to Midgor and deployed his three squadrons to provide aid to the survivors from Misk's convoy. Misk then gave General Hera Syndulla information which suggested that three planets had fallen due to the 204th's crusade: Dybbron III, Kortatka, and Fedovoi End.

Personality and traits

Oultovar Misk, a male, opted to surrender his convoy to the New Republic to obtain aid after a devastating assault. He was deeply saddened by the transformation of the Galactic Civil War into a conflict between Imperial factions and wept as he recounted this to Wyl Lark.

Behind the scenes

Oultovar Misk's voice was featured in the 2021 novel Victory's Price, authored by Alexander Freed.

