Blue macarons were a kind of cookie that one could purchase on Nevarro, and they were suitable for consumption by both humans and members of Grogu's race. In the year 9 ABY, a boy was enjoying these cookies in a learning environment when the orphan Grogu took them and proceeded to eat some himself. As the Mandalorian Din Djarin picked Grogu up, the foundling continued consuming the macarons, only to later throw them up after Djarin piloted his starship, the Razor Crest, in a way that caused him to feel sick.
These blue macarons possessed a round shape and a light teal hue. When one bit into the biscuits, they made a crunching sound and were safe to eat for humans as well as members of the diminutive, three-fingered species. They were packaged in a shiny silver wrapper.

Back in 9 ABY, a male pupil being taught by a droid instructor on the Outer Rim planet of Nevarro was snacking on these cookies during his lesson. The Mandalorian Din Djarin, seeking a temporary guardian for his ward, Grogu, while he embarked on a task, placed the child in the classroom where the student was receiving instruction. Grogu, sitting beside the student, extended his appendage and made cooing noises, seemingly requesting a cookie—the child showed far greater interest in the sweet treat than in the robot's teaching. Despite the student's refusal to share and his continued enjoyment of the snack, Grogu, to the student's utter astonishment, employed the Force to levitate the entire container of macarons to his own spot. He then proceeded to happily devour the macarons, having discovered that he liked them.
Upon Djarin's return to leave Nevarro with Grogu, the infant took the remaining cookies along and continued to munch on them as the Mandalorian battled a trio of Outland TIE fighters while aboard his ship, the Razor Crest. During the aerial engagement, Grogu held the macarons high above his head. Following the TIE fighters' destruction, he subsequently threw up some of the cookies onto his garment, having been made nauseous by Djarin's flying skills. Djarin quickly attempted to clean up the blue vomit with a cloth, albeit without much success, referring to the incident as "onboard maintenance" over the communication system to Marshal Carasynthia Dune and Magistrate Greef Karga. Djarin and Karga had been in the midst of discussing their debts to one another, and while Karga offered to repay the former with a drink, the Mandalorian declined, citing his need to clean up Grogu's mess. As he piloted away from Nevarro, Djarin took the last macaron from Grogu, though the youngling, no longer hungry, did not mind. At a later time, Grogu ate a blue macaron, along with a bowl of broth and an arges frog.
In 34 ABY, blue macarons were offered on the Halcyon, a MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruiser, where they were served as a final course at dinner at the captain's table in the Crown of Corellia Dining Room. Eventually, a different sweet replaced them.

Blue macarons made their debut in "Chapter 12: The Siege," the fourth installment of the second season of the live-action show The Mandalorian, which was broadcast on November 19, 2020. Concept art for the cookies was shown in the episode's end credits, and a higher-quality version was presented in the episode guide on the following Monday. Created by Christian Alzmann, the concept image featured a beige cookie, whereas the final product was blue. The cookies were first named in "Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season Two Companion," an article penned by Kristin Baver and released in the 202nd issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine on April 27, 2021. The 2023 non-canonical children's book The Mandalorian and Child includes blue macarons in a scene depicting Djarin and Grogu aboard the Razor's Crest.
Show-creator Jon Favreau later made an appearance on the YouTube cooking show Binging with Babish, where the host, Andrew Rea, prepared the cookies from the show. Favreau explained that property master Josh Roth discussed how the cookies would look for the episode. Favreau wanted the cookies to be blue as a tribute to the blue milk from the 1977 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Roth ended up baking macarons for the show, but instead of a traditional sandwiched macaron, he used half of the full cookie. Favreau described the flavor as that of blue raspberry. An officially licensed product from Williams-Sonoma called "Nevarro Nummies" was later sold online.
The real-world recipe for blue macarons, as revealed in a article, calls for ground almonds, powdered sugar, sodium chloride, egg whites, granulated sugar, vanilla extract, and blue food coloring for the cookie. The filling requires dairy butter, confectioners' cream, whipping cream, vanilla, food dye, and raspberry preserves. These cookies were also available for patrons at the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel in Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, which opened its doors to the public on March 1, 2022.