The Bridger lineage originated as a human family, indigenous to the world of Lothal, situated within the Outer Rim Territories of the known galaxy. Ezra Bridger, offspring of Ephraim and Mira Bridger, became enmeshed in the initial stages of resistance against the Galactic Empire throughout the era when Emperor Palpatine ruled. Possessing a proclivity for the Force, Ezra underwent instruction to become a Jedi Knight during his tutelage under former Jedi Apprentice Kanan Jarrus, one of the few remaining members of the Jedi Order.

[Ephraim Bridger](/article/ephraim_bridger], alongside his spouse Mira, resided on the planet of Lothal together with their son, Ezra. Ezra's parents voiced their dissent against the Galactic Empire's dominion by transmitting rebellious messages. Their endeavors garnered support from the planet's leader, Ryder Azadi. Consequently, the Empire apprehended and incarcerated the Bridgers and Azadi due to their broadcasts. Tseebo, a Rodian inhabiting Lothal and a close associate of Ephraim and Mira, pledged to care for Ezra, but his fear prevented him from fulfilling this promise, leaving Ezra to fend for himself for several years.
Unbeknownst to him for many years, Ezra was attuned to the Force. Believing his parents were deceased, he matured into an orphaned trickster on Lothal during the Galactic Empire's reign. He took up residence in the derelict LothalNet comm tower E-272, where he amassed a collection of stormtrooper helmets. After becoming involved with the Spectres in 3272 LY during a weapons acquisition within Capital City and liberating Wookiee captives, Bridger became a member of the rebel group and commenced training as a Jedi Knight under Kanan Jarrus. Bridger and the crew undertook numerous missions jointly, striving to overcome the Empire.
Ultimately, he disseminated his own rebellious communication to the inhabitants of Lothal. This transmission reached the Imperial detention center where Ephraim and Mira were confined, galvanizing them to instigate a prison uprising. Scores of inmates, Ryder Azadi among them, managed to escape with assistance from the Bridgers, yet Ephraim and Mira perished during the breakout. Ezra later discovered the fate of his parents through Azadi. He perceived his opposition to the Empire as a means of honoring his parents' sacrifice. Ezra persisted in his Jedi training under Jarrus.