Crisis on Coruscant

"Coruscant Crisis" marks the second installment of LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales. The narrative centers on C-3PO and Admiral Ackbar's journey to Coruscant as they seek R2-D2, who has been abducted by a mysterious figure. In this episode, C-3PO recounts the events that transpired before Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

Republic battle plans

Following R2-D2's abduction on Endor, C-3PO and Admiral Ackbar embark on a voyage to Coruscant aboard Ackbar's old ship. Utilizing his tracking system, C-3PO determines that the hijacked vessel was deserted nearby. Admiral Ackbar detects their own starship beneath a heap of paper. Subsequently, C-3PO experiences flashbacks of the battles, betrayals, and other incidents that unfolded on Coruscant as the Clone Wars drew to a close. Shortly thereafter, C-3PO and Ackbar are approached by a Multi-Troop Transport carrying several B1-series battle droids, which have been repurposed as sanitation workers. C-3PO inquires whether the droids have encountered R2-D2, but they deny any knowledge.

C-3PO and Admiral Ackbar discuss their missing items

As they sit upon a toppled statue of the Emperor, the two companions reminisce about past times. While Ackbar recounts his initial acquisition of the Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor Daisy Mae from a vendor, Threepio persuades him to permit him to continue the narrative regarding his and R2-D2's involvement in the Clone Wars. C-3PO commences with the tale of how R2-D2 thwarted General Grievous and Count Dooku's schemes to procure the Galactic Republic's battle strategies on Coruscant. Darth Sidious transmits the confidential plans to Grievous, who is soon ambushed by Obi-Wan Kenobi and a contingent of Clone troopers. Grievous's craft is destroyed, but he manages to seize control of Senator Bail Organa's vessel. C-3PO, who was preparing a meal in the ship's kitchen, unwillingly becomes a passenger.

Later at the Jedi Temple, Jedi Master Yoda informs Anakin Skywalker that he possesses the potential to become a formidable Jedi but advises him to exercise patience. At that precise moment, Skywalker notices Grievous's stolen ship outside the window and leaps from the Jedi Council Chamber's windows accompanied by R2. Grievous attempts to evade Anakin in the aerial corridors of Coruscant. Kenobi and the Clones pursue them in a fleet of airspeeders. While 3PO pilots the ship, Grievous engages Skywalker in a lightsaber duel. The ship narrowly avoids colliding with a skyscraper, causing Anakin to plummet from the vessel.

Anakin lands on Kenobi's airspeeder, granting Grievous the opportunity to escape to Geonosis with the pilfered plans and C-3PO. Grievous presents the plans to Count Dooku and the Separatist Council, including Poggle the Lesser. R2-D2 then infiltrates the Separatist Council chambers and subdues an R2-Q5. He impersonates R2-Q5 and subtly establishes communication with Threepio. Meanwhile, Dooku and Grievous boast that the battle plans will secure their triumph over the Republic.

Dooku's message being played to the Jedi Council

Back at the Jedi Council, Master Mace Windu scolds Skywalker for his imprudence in leaping out of windows, while Yoda advises him to contemplate his actions beforehand. R2-D2 then succeeds in broadcasting a recording of Dooku and Grievous discussing the secret battle plans. With the Republic's security at stake, the Jedi Council and Anakin travel to Geonosis, (and in a humorous turn, everyone in the room jumps out through the window, including Yoda). At the Separatist Council chambers, Dooku screens a recording of the stolen battle plans. However, R2 has replaced the authentic disc with a video depicting Ewoks dancing and singing the Yub Nub song. The Jedi then storm the Separatist Council chambers and engage Dooku and Grievous in combat.

3PO, who is serving cocktail weenies, is caught in the crossfire and knocked to the ground. R2 attempts to escape with the plans but is cornered by Grievous and a squadron of B2-series super battle droids. However, the astromech droid activates his booster rockets and flees into the droid foundries. During the escape, R2 becomes entangled in the machinery, causing the factory to overheat and initiating a chain reaction that obliterates the Separatist factories and headquarters. R2-D2 and C-3PO escape and restore the plans to the Republic. Republic LAAT gunships and ARC-170 starfighters also arrive on Geonosis. 3PO commends R2 for his actions before tapping him on the dome, admonishing him to "Never do that again!"

Fall of the Republic

Returning to the present, 3PO recalls his frustration with R2 for endangering them and his desire to strike him on the head. Nevertheless, he misses his companion despite his irritating habits. They then discover Ackbar's stolen ship Daisy Mae buried beneath a mound of paper. 3PO infers that the mysterious kidnapper abandoned the stolen ship before boarding a shuttle at Coruscant's spaceport. While Ackbar attends to his stolen ship, 3PO inquires with a gatekeeper droid whether he has seen R2. Although the droid is reluctant to assist, a compassionate Ithorian male expresses interest in hearing more about R2's exploits during the Clone Wars.

Anakin and Padmé celebrate the names of their children

C-3PO revisits Count Dooku and General Grievous's scheme to abduct Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in the waning days of the Clone Wars. 3PO witnesses Grievous's staged kidnapping of the Chancellor in his office and their escape aboard a Scimitar ship. Meanwhile, Anakin is strolling with his secret spouse Senator Padmé Amidala, who is expecting, and R2, who congratulates them with a fanfare. Skywalker confides his discontent with Kenobi and the Jedi for failing to recognize his "awesomeness" before discussing the name of Padmé's unborn child. Padmé suggests Leia for a girl and Kitster, Embo, Wicket, Jubnuk, and IG-88 before settling on Luke. At that moment, the trio observes a kidnapped Palpatine sounding the horn from Grievous's ship.

Anakin and Obi-Wan pursue Grievous in their Eta-2 starfighters, evading a swarm of Buzz-droids. Aboard the Separatist flagship Invisible Hand, Dooku discusses Palpatine's "brilliant plan" to ensnare the Jedi while simultaneously revealing the full might of the Sith Order. Dooku believes that he and his master Darth Sidious will jointly vanquish the Jedi. However, Palpatine betrays Dooku and urges Anakin to defeat the Separatist leader. During the battle, Dooku and Grievous are ejected through the window of the Wizard's Tower into the vacuum of space. (Grievous survives due to his cybernetic enhancements, vowing that they haven't seen the last of him; Dooku, however, presumably dies, declaring, "You have seen the last of me!")

Yoda interupting Anakin and Obi-Wan's arguement

The Invisible Hand crash-lands on Coruscant's surface, where Anakin and Obi-Wan dispute who should pursue Grievous until Yoda, emerging from the wreckage, decides to dispatch his former master. Frustrated and resentful of his perceived restricted existence and the feeling of being treated like a child, Anakin storms away from the wreckage, only to be intercepted by Palpatine, who sows discord between Anakin and Yoda by asserting that Yoda fails to recognize his full potential, while he does. As Palpatine's head oscillates between his persona and that of Darth Sidious, Anakin concludes that Palpatine is a Sith Lord. Mace Windu resolves to investigate. Meanwhile, on Utapau, Obi-Wan discovers Grievous concealed behind a pillar, as suggested by Tion Medon, and the two engage in a lightsaber duel that culminates in Obi-Wan severing three of the general's hands.

Back on Coruscant, Master Windu confronts Palpatine in isolation and confirms his identity as Darth Sidious. Windu gains the upper hand until Anakin arrives. Palpatine persuades Anakin that the Jedi is assaulting him while repelling him with force lightning. Anakin, after a brief moment of hesitation, disarms Windu with a Force push, and Palpatine eliminates the Jedi Master by searing him with the lightning and casting him out the window. With Anakin now reborn as the Sith apprentice Darth Vader, Palpatine initiates Order 66.

On Utapau, Grievous meets his demise when his TSMEU-6 personal wheel bike topples over the cliff in reverse. Obi-Wan proclaims their victory, but the celebration is cut short as he witnesses Commander Cody and the Clones departing aboard LAAT gunships and ARC-170 starfighters. Narrating the tale, 3PO alludes to the Great Jedi Purge and the ascent of the Galactic Empire in passing.

Anakin and Obi-Wan dueling on Mustafar

Obi-Wan confronts Vader on Mustafar, and following a heated exchange, the two lock lightsabers in combat while Yoda battles Sidious in the Senate Building. Yoda seemingly escapes, while a Force push gone awry sends Anakin plummeting into the perilous lava. With his transformation into Darth Vader complete, Anakin wholeheartedly embraces the dark side of the Force as his children Luke and Leia are born.

As he concludes his story, 3PO catches a glimpse of R2 and the mysterious kidnapper on a holocam video departing on a shuttle. After urging the gatekeeper droid to zoom in on the image, 3PO discovers that they are en route to Mos Eisley on Tatooine and books a shuttle there. Meanwhile, Admiral Ackbar must contend with Daisy Mae being towed away by a tow truck, but only after 3PO expresses his gratitude for the ride.


  • The deaths of Dooku and Grievous deviate from their original depictions, and Padmé's death is omitted entirely. In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin decapitates Dooku, whereas in this episode, Dooku perishes as he is expelled from the ship into space. In Revenge of the Sith, Grievous is incinerated when Obi-Wan punctures his internal organs. In this episode, Grievous inadvertently drives his wheel bike in reverse and falls to his death.
  • In Revenge of the Sith , Anakin and R2-D2 respond to the kidnapping of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine after returning from the Outer Rim Sieges . Conversely, in this episode, they are already present on Coruscant when they become aware of the Chancellor's abduction.
  • In Revenge of the Sith , Anakin learns of Padmé's pregnancy after rescuing Chancellor Palpatine. However, in this episode, he learns of it before the rescue.
  • Both Padmé and Anakin are already cognizant that she is pregnant with twins in the episode. However, Padmé does not discover this until she is in labor in Revenge of the Sith , while Anakin—then Darth Vader—does not learn of a second child's existence until Return of the Jedi.
  • During the Separatist assembly on Geonosis, the Wilhelm scream can be perceived when Ki-Adi-Mundi assaults Nute Gunray with the Force .
  • Segments of Rune Haako 's robes alternate between green and purple throughout the episode.
  • Mace Windu is depicted wielding a blue lightsaber instead of his customary purple one.
  • In one instance, Asajj Ventress is holding a blue lightsaber, only for it to revert to her standard red one in the subsequent shot.
  • Anakin and Grievous encounter each other in this episode, despite their official first meeting occurring in Revenge of the Sith .

Behind the scenes

During Anakin's pursuit of Grievous, certain lines of Anakin's dialogue can be heard with Grievous's voice, even as Anakin is also shown speaking.

