"From Beneath" marks the sixth installment in the second season of the animated series Star Wars Resistance. This episode was initially broadcast on the Disney Channel on November 10, 2019.
The episode commences with a panoramic view of the Colossus. A Star Commuter 2000 shuttle then detaches from the space station, plunging into the atmosphere of a dusty, brown world known as Drahgor III. A visibly anxious Torra Doza pilots the craft, while Orka, Flix, and Kazuda Xiono are secured within the passenger section. CB-23 is seen rolling around on the floor.
When Kaz inquires if the intense turbulence on Drahgor III is typical, Flix responds that the conditions are even harsher than when he previously departed the planet. Torra, struggling to see through the storm, questions the location of the fuel refinery. Despite her suggestion to turn back, Kaz insists on acquiring fuel to prevent the Colossus from being stranded. They proceed through the storm clouds, skillfully avoiding lightning strikes.
Flix expresses his apprehension about reuniting with his family, citing a less-than-amicable departure. Orka attempts to reassure him that his family will greet him warmly. Flix retorts that Orka has a clear misunderstanding of his family dynamics. He mutters that the nearest refueling station is, unfortunately, owned by his cousins. Suddenly, Kaz instructs everyone to brace themselves, as the storm intensifies. Shortly thereafter, a lightning bolt strikes one of the vertical stabilizers. Torra questions their proximity to the planet's surface. Fortunately, Torra identifies a landing platform below.
As Torra and Kaz prepare the shuttle for landing, CB-23 deploys grappling cables to secure Flix and Orka, preventing them from sliding to the rear of the ship. During their descent, Torra instructs Kaz to engage the stabilizers. The descending shuttle collides with one of the projectiles, but it manages a rough belly landing. Kaz jokingly remarks that the landing was not difficult, while Torra extracts a promise from him not to disclose the perilous landing to her father or Yeager.
Flix guides the group down the ramp and onto the runway. When Kaz questions whether Flix's family will provide the fuel without charge, Flix replies that the concept of "free" is absent from the Gozzo lexicon, but he will explore their options. Flix expresses hope that his uncle Floog is present, while Orka observes the unusual quietness of the area. Kaz suggests that everyone is likely inside.
Abruptly, the sound of a lift rumbling becomes audible. Four Gozzos emerge from the lift, discussing drilling profits and labor. The four Gozzos, revealed to be Flix's cousins, are surprised to encounter Flix and his companions. Flix addresses his cousins. One of his cousins, Flanx, quips, "Look what the storm blew in," and mentions that he has always anticipated Flix's return, crawling back on his soft belly. Flix offers a muted greeting before inquiring about their uncle Floog.
Flanx reveals that he now oversees the refueling operation, as their uncle Floog has retired and appointed him as the new boss. Flanx reminds Flix of his past musical aspirations and how Flix had belittled his cousins as unsophisticated. Kaz learns from Orka that Flix previously pursued an unsuccessful career as a cantina singer.
Flix informs his cousins that he requires fuel, which he believes he is entitled to as a family member. Flanx and his cousins mock Flix. Flanx informs Flix that his family has profited significantly from deep-core drilling on Drahgor III. He reveals that they have discovered a deep pocket ready for fuel refinement. Flix is shocked and cautions his cousins about the risks of drilling too deep. Suddenly, the ground trembles, and a roar is heard. Flix warns that Karnex Dragons reside deep underground.
Flanx dismisses the existence of dragons beneath their planet, attributing the roar to a stuck drill. Inspecting the monitor, Flanx notices that the drill appears to be offline. Kaz offers to repair their drill in exchange for fuel. Flix warns Kaz about the potential dangers of his offer. Flanx responds that Flix and his friends will have to assist because they are not "egg-sitting" anyone. Despite Flix's objections, Torra and Kaz accept Flanx's deal, sealing it with a handshake.
Before they descend, Flanx remarks to Flix that this Gozzo work will benefit him. Flix instructs his estranged cousin not to touch him. As they travel down the lift, Flanx comments that this will be enjoyable, like "old times." Flix objects to deep-core drilling due to the presence of Karnex dragons. When Kaz inquires about the dragons, Flanx asserts that Drahgor III is devoid of life. Orka is skeptical of Flanx's claims. Flix recounts old Gozzo legends cautioning against greedy miners delving too deep.
Kaz and Torra notice movement in the fog, prompting Flix to stop the lift. When Flanx asks for an explanation, Flix silences him and warns of a dragon. Suddenly, red glowing eyes appear beneath some rocks. Despite Flix's attempts to remain quiet, a loose piece of debris causes the lift to plummet into the depths of the abyss. A falling toolbox causes the lift to temporarily jam.
Torra advises them to reach the tracks. However, one of the levers detaches, forcing Kaz to use his weight to hold it in place. Despite his efforts, he loses control, and the cabin slides further into the mine, leaving Torra and Orka clinging to the elevator shaft. As the cabin descends, Kaz instructs them to jump. He manages to use the lever to slow the fall, allowing them enough time to jump out. Kaz lands on one side of a platform, while Flix, Flax, and CB-23 land on the opposite side. They are separated by a deep chasm.
Kaz is soon contacted by Torra via comlink, who inquires about their well-being. Kaz asks if they are alright, and Orka responds that they are clinging on for dear life. At Kaz's suggestion, Torra and Orka agree to climb the shaft to reach the shuttle. Kaz pledges to repair the drill. Flix believes the dragons are real, while Flanx attributes the shaking to stress on the stabilizers. Flix blames Flanx's foolishness for the crash and asks Kaz to corroborate his dragon sighting. Kaz admits to seeing a shadow in the fog. Flanx reminds them that they have work to do and instructs them not to bother him. When Kaz asks if there is another route to the drill, Flanx directs him to circle around the other side of the ridge. He also jokes about Kaz being careful not to be eaten by any imaginary monsters.
In the meantime, Orka hitches a ride on Torra's back. She suggests that he would be better off climbing on his own. A reluctant Orka agrees to climb independently and encourages his chubby legs not to give up. While Kaz is traveling to the other side of the ridge, he is startled by a falling rock. He soon encounters a Karnex dragon, which sniffs at him before climbing back up. Kaz is relieved that the creature did not spot him and breathes a sigh of relief.
Simultaneously, Flix and the others approach the drill, which has created a hole. Flix blames Flanx's deep core drilling for awakening a dragon. Flanx insists that the dragons are mythical and tells Flix that they must repair the drill to restore their production quota. Kaz soon arrives and reports that he saw a dragon. Flanx remains skeptical, but Kaz stands by his story. Flanx laughs, and Kaz agrees to help repair the drill so they can leave.
Back on the shaft, Orka is exhausted, but Torra encourages him to continue. Orka suggests that she proceed alone, but Torra reminds him that she cannot fly the shuttle alone and that they all need her assistance. Orka agrees to help, and the two continue their climb. Working together, Kaz and Flanx manage to repair the drill. Suddenly, Kaz hears a roar, but Flanx believes it is the sound of the drill.
Kaz turns off the drill and points to the approaching Karnex dragon, which has been drawn by the drill's noise. Flanx is shocked to see that the dragon is real. The dragon chases Kaz and CB-23, who hide behind crates. Flix tells Flanx that he now has proof that the dragon is real. Flanx attempts to attack the dragon with the drill, but the massive creature swipes it with its tail. The dragon lunges at Flanx, but CB-23 passes Kaz a blaster pistol, which he uses to distract the dragon.
The dragon grabs Flanx by one of his legs, but Kaz shoots the dragon, and CB-23 manages to temporarily blind it with a bright torch. The creature retreats to its cavern, dragging Flanx along. Kaz suggests that they must stop the dragon, but Flix points out that they are ill-equipped with the laser drill or the blaster. Kaz recalls that the dragon was affected by CB's light.
Kaz contacts Torra for a pickup, and she replies that she is almost there. Torra and Orka reach the surface, while Flix's other cousins are preparing a machine with a crane. Reaching the surface, Orka kisses the solid ground. When Flix's cousins ask what happened, Orka reassures them that Flix and the others are fine but that they need their ship and fuel now. However, one of the Gozzos informs them that they are not going anywhere until they get some answers.
Kaz, Flix, and CB-23 travel through the tunnel. Kaz asks CB if there are any signs of life. Suddenly, they see the Karnex dragon dragging Flanx with its mouth. They pursue the dragon and find Flanx in the beast's maw. He struggles to hold it open with his mouth. Kaz shoots at the creature long enough for Flanx to break free. The four then flee out of the cave with the slithering dragon in pursuit.
Back on the surface, Orka convinces the other Gozzos that Flanx and Flix need their help and that they are taking the shuttle. He insists that the Gozzos help them load the tanks because Flix is still entitled to the fuel as family. Torra is impressed by Orka's courage. Orka responds that he may be small, but he is intimidating. The Gozzos watch as Torra and Orka fly the shuttle into the abyss. Flix's cousins are impressed with Orka's courage and steel.
Meanwhile, Kaz and his friends exit the cave only to find more Karnex dragons converging around them. They realize that the dragons are part of a family. Realizing the dragons have poor eyesight, Kaz instructs them not to make any sudden movements. Flix realizes that the panel controls several blast lights. He tells Kaz to run to the panel at his signal while he distracts the dragons with the blaster.
Flix and Flanx distract the dragons but reach a tight corner. Kaz and CB-23 run to the panel and manage to activate the bright blast lights, blinding the dragons. Flix thinks it is working, but one of the dragons swipes one of the light stands, causing it to switch off. Suddenly, Torra and Orka return in the shuttle, which forces the dragons to retreat back into the cave. The two are amazed by the size of the serpentine beasts.
Flanx uses the drill to seal the cave, trapping the dragons inside. Flanx apologizes to Flix for not believing him. Flix says he wants them to be friends again like when they were hatchlings. Flanx tells him they are family and hugs him. The two cousins return to the surface where they are greeted by the other Gozzos.
Flanx instructs them to halt the work because the ancient dragons are real. He advises his relatives that they have to stop digging so deep or they will release more of those beasts. He promises not to disrupt the dragons' natural home because that creature was only trying to protect its kin. Flix reminds Flanx about the fuel.
Flanx instructs his cousins to give Flix and his friend all the fuel that they need because they definitely earned it. Kaz and Torra smile. The Gozzos load their shuttle with two giant tanks of fuel. Aboard the ship, Kaz asks Flix about his career as a cantina singer. Flix doesn't want to talk about it but acknowledges he did have pipes. Flanx and his cousins wave Flix and his friends goodbye as they fly back to the Colossus.