Gauron Nas Tal

Gauron Nas Tal was a ferocious Saurin, employed as a combat trainer by Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the Hutt crime lord. However, the trainer's secret ambition was to assassinate his employer by the time 4 ABY arrived. He accompanied him to the Great Pit of Carkoon for the scheduled execution of several prisoners, and therefore witnessed the shootout that unfolded on Jabba's sail barge, the Khetanna. The downfall of both the Hutt and the Khetanna occurred before Guaron Nas Tal could act against his target, concluding the battle.


Although Gauron Nas Tal was a ferocious Saurin combat trainer in the service of the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, his true intention was to kill him. In the year 4 ABY, Nas Tal stood just outside the entrance to the throne chamber within Jabba's Palace on the planet Tatooine, eavesdropping as the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO displayed a hologram to the crime lord, sent by their master, the Jedi Luke Skywalker. In his message, Skywalker proposed a trade for the release of his comrade Han Solo, who was held captive by Jabba, encased in carbonite, and offered the two droids as a gesture of goodwill. However, the Hutt refused to relinquish Solo and instead assigned the droids to work.

Later, Nas Tal was seated next to the Ugnaught Yoxgit in one of the throne room's private boxes as the Max Rebo Band performed the song "Jedi Rocks" for the assembled court. Once the band had finished, Jabba requested an encore, but during the second rendition, he attempted to pull the enslaved dancer Oola closer. When she resisted his advances, the Hutt dropped her through a trapdoor beneath the throne room, abruptly stopping the band's performance. The Saurin quickly moved from his seat to a grating overlooking the pit, enthusiastically joining other cheering courtiers in celebrating the dancer's misfortune. As they looked on, Jabba's pet rancor, Pateesa, emerged and devoured the screaming Oola.

Nas Tal was present within the throne room when Skywalker arrived at the palace and used a mind trick on Bib Fortuna to gain an audience with Jabba and awaken the crime lord. The court members were roused as Skywalker demanded that Jabba set Solo and Chewbacca free. Skywalker then brandished a blaster pistol at Jabba, prompting the Hutt to cast the Jedi into the rancor pit, along with the unfortunate Gamorrean guard Jubnuk. After Pateesa consumed Jubnuk, the Jedi defeated the rancor. Skywalker, along with Chewbacca and Solo, was brought back to the throne room, where Jabba sentenced them to death.

