"Grounded" can be found as a short story within the From a Certain Point of View collection. Greg Rucka is the author of this narrative, which centers its attention on Nera Kase. Kase is a mechanic for the Rebel Alliance stationed at Base One, specifically during the events of the Battle of Yavin.
Before the Battle of Yavin commenced, Nera Kase, a twenty-seven year old mechanic serving the Rebel Alliance, takes time to contemplate her family history. Her upbringing was rooted in the Phirmist beliefs concerning the Force, instilled by her parents. As spacers, they traversed the galaxy transporting goods between the Core Worlds, the Outer Rim Territories, and the Mid Rim. Nera's decision to join the Rebellion was triggered by the Galactic Empire's seizure of her family's vessel. Within a mere seven minutes, Nera Kase experienced the loss of both her family and her home. Nera maintains a bald head due to the inherent risks associated with her work on machinery.
After Red and Gold Squadrons had taken off to attack the Death Star, Nera listens to the audio communications of the rebel pilots being broadcasted throughout the base. Kase considers the chances of survival for various rebel pilots including Red Leader Garven Dreis, Elyhek Rue, Wedge Antilles, and the rookie Luke Skywalker. Remembering the significant casualties suffered during the Battle of Scarif, Nera anticipates a similar outcome for the Battle of Yavin. Nera finds solace in the fact that she and her fellow mechanics, through their diligent maintenance of the starfighters, are indirectly caring for the pilots themselves. Each rebel starfighter relies on a ground crew consisting of five to six individuals for its upkeep.
After reflecting on the losses at Scarif, Nera makes her way into the command center. She observes three of her crew chiefs, identified as Benis, Ohley, and Wuz, intently watching a map illustrating the rebel assault on the Death Star. Also present are General Jan Dodonna, Princess Leia Organa, and the protocol droid C-3PO. Nera tracks the battle's progression using the tracking board, recalling the statistics of each pilot (flight hours, ace status, and confirmed kills). She is there when the death of Jek Tono Porkins is announced. For the subsequent seventeen and a half minutes, Kase meticulously records the names of rebel casualties on her datapad. Aside from a few instances of fatal damage caused by flak, with one unconfirmed loss attributed to it, the majority of rebel pilots are shot down by TIE fighters.
As the Battle of Yavin continues, the rebel forces are reduced to only four remaining ships. Nera notes the passing of Biggs Darklighter. She is also present when the command crew announces that Skywalker has deactivated his targeting computer. Upon hearing that Skywalker's astromech droid R2-D2 has been hit by enemy fire, Kase fears that the Rebellion is doomed and that Yavin 4 will suffer the same fate as Alderaan. Nera then overhears Han Solo speaking as he arrives to assist Luke and drives away Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1 starfighter. Nera is there when the rebel monitor announces the destruction of the Death Star. While her fellow rebels celebrate, Kase retreats to her private console and sheds tears of both joy and relief.