Iktotch was a moon orbiting the planet known as Iktotchon, which itself was situated within the Expansion Region of the galaxy.
Serving as the planetary satellite of Iktotchon, Iktotch was a harsh, rocky sphere. It was on this very moon that the resilient Iktotchi species underwent their evolution and societal development. By galactic standards, the lunar environment was deemed quite inhospitable, primarily due to the intense windstorms carrying sand and gravel that relentlessly battered the desolate terrain. To survive in such conditions, the Iktotchi evolved a heightened sensitivity to the Force, granting them innate precognitive abilities. These skills enabled them to foresee the arrival of storms and effectively evade the damaging winds.

The Iktotchi developed a sophisticated civilization quite early in galactic history, establishing urban centers across the surface of Iktotch. Possessing the ability to foresee the emergence of the Galactic Republic, ancient Iktotchi painstakingly carved the Crest of the Republic into the side of a mountainside at a location where they predicted future scouts would eventually land. When representatives of the Republic did, in fact, arrive, they were astonished by the Iktotchi's unique abilities and promptly alerted the Jedi Order. Intrigued by the people of this moon, the Jedi began to welcome Force-sensitive Iktotchi into their ranks and initiated studies on the world. Some Jedi Masters and scholars even proposed that the moon itself might be a massive vergence in the Force, although they acknowledged that it was rare for such phenomena to encompass an entire celestial body. The Jedi also noted a peculiar phenomenon: the further an Iktotchi traveled from their homeworld, Iktotch, the weaker their connection to the Force became.
In the years leading up to the Clone Wars, many Iktotchi across the galaxy began returning to Iktotch, driven by their precognitive abilities. However, most were unable to foresee the downfall of the Republic and the Jedi Order, obscured by the dark side veil cast by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. With the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Emperor issued an immediate order for the Imperial Navy to blockaded the moon, aiming to prevent the Iktotchi from posing a threat to the Empire's stability. Travel to the system required permits, and landing on the moon necessitated additional waivers. While the Iktotchi were forbidden from leaving their homeworld, many who were off-world chose to return to avoid the Galactic Civil War, which they foresaw would impact other occupied worlds more directly than their isolated moon. With no [Imperial Governor](/article/governor] installed, the inhabitants of Iktotch were free to live as they pleased, but also had to endure without galactic assistance should any planetary emergencies arise. Pilots and smugglers routinely defied the blockade, smuggling in prohibited goods and black market items. Others sought contact with the Rebel Alliance, hoping to facilitate the coming shift in power.
According to propaganda that was viewed by FN-2187, Iktotch was the site of a labor camp liberation by the forces of the First Order.
The first mention of Iktotch occurred in the Star Wars Legends reference book, Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary, penned by David West Reynolds and published in 1999. The world's status as canon was confirmed later by the reference book Ultimate Star Wars, released in 2015.