A team from the 21st Nova Corps, reporting to both Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Marshal Commander Bacara, participated in the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto. During this offensive, however, the Grand Army of the Republic received Order 66 from the Supreme Chancellor, Sheev Palpatine. Commander Bacara, momentarily conflicted, ultimately obeyed the order, directing the clone troopers to target their Jedi superior officer. Although Mundi briefly defended himself, the team managed to overpower and eliminate him.
As the Clone Wars neared their conclusion, the Galactic Republic successfully drove the Confederacy of Independent Systems towards the Outer Rim Territories. Within this campaign, known as the Outer Rim Sieges, the Republic persisted in the three-year Mygeeto Campaign with Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Clone Marshal Commander Bacara leading the charge. During fighting situated on one of Mygeeto's bridges, Mundi commanded a team from the 21st Nova Corps, which included Commander Bacara, forming part of a platoon. As they advanced to seize the Separatist-held bridge, Mundi stated the need to capture it, attempting to guide them onward. However, Bacara then received Order 66 via his helmet's comlink from Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Despite Bacara's momentary hesitation and disbelief, he and all the other clone troopers were compelled to follow the directive due to the behavioral modification biochips that had been implanted within them.

Bacara gave the order for the soldiers to open fire on Mundi, but the Jedi reacted quickly, turning to see the squad frozen, blasters raised. The squad initiated their attack, and while Mundi managed to deflect some of the blaster bolts, his survival in such close proximity was unlikely. A blaster shot impacted Mundi's chest, swiftly resulting in his demise from the clones' blaster barrage. After reflecting on his actions, Bacara was quite pleased in following the order. Bacara even believed he would gladly do the same to anyone else who was a "threat" to the Galactic Republic.
This infantry unit consisted of Galactic Marines, recognized as some of the most elite clone soldiers within the Grand Army of the Republic. The clones within the unit were armed with either the DC-15A blaster carbine or the DC-15A blaster rifle. Similar to other marines, they also wore synthmesh visors, designed to filter out harmful substances, including poisonous gases, along with other dangers. Their armor, built to withstand extreme conditions, also featured a blast-resistant kama, a high-capacity heater battery, and reduced leg armor to enhance agility.

The unit operated under the command of Jedi General and Council member Ki-Adi-Mundi, who employed his lightsaber in combat. Clone Marshal Commander Bacara also served within the group. During the Mygeeto offensive, Bacara utilized a DC-15A blaster carbine. Although Mundi and Bacara frequently clashed, Mundi established a strong professional connection with the Clone Commander. However, the control chip implanted within him compelled Bacara to comply with Order 66 when it was issued to the Grand Army.
This unit made its initial appearance in the 2005 saga film, Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, during the Order 66 sequence. It was later identified as a unit in the 2018 canon reference book, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition. However, The Complete Visual Dictionary incorrectly states that Mundi activated his lightsaber as the squad opened fire, while Revenge of the Sith depicts Mundi igniting the blade prior to his clones' betrayal.
In the comic book Kanan 2, while facing Order 66 on Kaller, Jedi Padawan Caleb Dume experienced a vision of the clones turning on their Jedi. Among the deaths he witnessed was Mundi being shot by his squad. However, the comic depicted Order 66 occurring after the Conquest of Kaller, while Aftermath, the premiere episode of the Star Wars: The Bad Batch animated series, would later depict Order 66 occurring on Kaller concurrent to the battle.