Ky Narec

Ky Narec was a Jedi Knight of the human variety, and a male. Prior to his death, he served as the Jedi Master to Asajj Ventress. His demise occurred during a confrontation with Weequay raiders, an event that deeply affected Ventress and set her on a course towards the dark side.


Before the Clone Wars, the widespread galactic conflict, Ky Narec, a male human, joined the ranks of the Jedi Order sometime. Upon his arrival at the Jedi Temple, he was assigned to the Heliost Clan. Under the tutelage of Jedi Master Tera Sinube, he underwent training in lightsaber combat. Around the same time as [Qui-Gon Jinn](/article/qui-gon_jinn], who was of similar age, he took the initiate trials. Ultimately, he was chosen to become a Padawan under Master Mana. Narec had initially desired to be selected as the apprentice of Dooku. During his time at the [Temple](/article/jedi_temple], Narec enjoyed feeding the song sparrows and watching them fly around the Great Tree located at the training ground.

Ky Narec fends off Weequay raiders

Having achieved the rank of Jedi Knight, Narec found himself stranded on the planet Rattatak in 44 BBY. During an encounter with Weequay raiders, he observed a young Force-sensitive Dathomirian girl, Asajj Ventress, using the Force to throw one of the raiders. Subsequently, Narec took the five-year-old Ventress under his guidance, instructing her in the ways of the Jedi and raising her.

For the subsequent twenty-one years, the two Jedi, now Master and apprentice, remained on Rattatak, providing assistance to its inhabitants and earning recognition as heroes by many. However, when Osika Kirske, the Vollick warlord, made the decision to capture Narec's Padawan with the intention of making her a gladiator in his arena, he gave the order for Narec's death.

In 23 BBY, during another assault by Weequay raiders, Narec was overcome and killed by a single raider who shot him in the back with a sniper rifle. He then died in Ventress's arms. Consumed by rage over her Master's death, Ventress seized Narec's lightsaber and killed the sniper in a fit of fury, marking the initial step on her journey toward the dark side of the Force.

After Narec's passing, Ventress cremated his remains and conducted a funeral. Furthermore, she seized control of Rattatak, declaring it as her own.


Dooku, Ventress' new master, who had abandoned the Jedi and become a Sith Lord, manipulated Ventress into the belief that the Jedi Order bore responsibility for abandoning Narec on Rattatak. This intensified her animosity towards the Jedi, whom she sought to eliminate as an act of vengeance.

Later, during her early apprenticeship to Dooku before the Clone Wars, Ventress discovered that Narec was responsible for the death of Hal'Sted, Ventress's slave owner, immediately before she began her Jedi training. Narec's voice lingered with Ventress after his death, attempting to dissuade her from further embracing the dark side of the Force. However, Ventress silenced his voice upon realizing that Narec, not the Weequay pirates, had killed Hal'Sted. Dooku then informed Ventress that, at her age, she lacked the discernment to differentiate between blaster bolts and lightsaber wounds resulting from deflecting blaster shots.

Personality and traits

Ky Narec, a human male Jedi Knight, had a height of 1.92 meters (6 feet, 4 inches). He possessed [brown](/article/color] hair, green eyes, and a fair complexion.

Skills and abilities

Ky Narec demonstrated proficiency in lightsaber combat, as well as both armed and unarmed combat techniques. Additionally, he possessed skills in leadership, diplomacy, and was powerful in the Force. Narec provided Ventress with training in the Jedi arts, but his instruction was unable to prevent his apprentice from succumbing to the dark side following his death at the hands of Weequay pirates.

Behind the scenes

Ky Narec's initial appearance in canon occurred in a flashback during the twelfth episode of the third season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, "Nightsisters," with Corey Burton providing his voice. Subsequently, he was mentioned with slightly more detailed information in the novel Dark Disciple, which was adapted from eight unaired episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Narec's first appearance in any Star Wars media was in the Star Wars Legends comic Republic 60, where he was featured in a flashback.

