Nasi Moreno

Nasi Moreno, a pilot of the female persuasion, served in Riot Squadron. She piloted an A-wing for both the Rebel Alliance and, later, the New Republic. Moreno engaged in combat against the Galactic Empire during the Battle of Endor, and she aided her squadron in its assignment to escort the frigate Hellion's Dare on a reconnaissance mission. The Hellion's Dare was attacked above the planet Jiruus by Imperial pilots from the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, who sought to destroy all traces of a report transmitted to the frigate by one of its scouts. As the Hellion's Dare and its accompanying squadrons attempted a jump to hyperspace, Moreno's fighter found itself surrounded by TIEs, resulting in her death.


Rebel service

Galactic Civil War

During the period of the Galactic Civil War, Nasi Moreno was a pilot within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance, specifically as a member of Riot Squadron. She flew an RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, designated as Riot Eight under the leadership of Riot Leader Rununja. The squadron participated in the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, a conflict that resulted in the defeat of the Galactic Empire and the subsequent transformation of the Rebel Alliance into the New Republic.

Moreno, along with Riot Squadron, continued their service to the fledgling government aboard the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate named Hellion's Dare. The primary purpose of the frigate was reconnaissance, with a focus on investigating communication failures to identify potential Imperial remnants seizing control of star systems. The squadron engaged in various skirmishes against scattered Imperial forces, although most of the investigated systems had simply lost communication due to failures in their hyperwave relays.

Under attack

While the Hellion's Dare was positioned above the planet Jiruus, awaiting the return of scout reports, the pilots of both Riot and Hound Squadrons were enjoying celebrations on the planet's surface. During these festivities, Moreno remained close to her fellow pilots, including Wyl Lark and Sata Neek. When Hound Squadron pilot Chass na Chadic taunted Lark, accusing him of cowardice for wanting to return to his homeworld, Moreno retorted sharply.

During the night, the pilots were awakened by the attack on the Hellion's Dare by TIE fighters belonging to the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing of the Empire. This wing had tracked one of the scout's transmissions and aimed to eliminate the recipient. Riot Squadron launched to defend the frigate, and Moreno attempted to formulate a plan to engage the enemy fighters. However, the TIE pilots had anticipated such a strategy, effectively evading Riot Squadron's attacks.

The Hellion's Dare and its starfighter escort prepared for a jump to hyperspace. Just before the jump could be executed, TIE fighters converged on Moreno's location, surrounding her and preventing her escape. The Hellion's Dare and its squadrons jumped to hyperspace, leaving Moreno behind in the Jiruus system, where she was killed by the Imperial pilots of the 204th.


Upon exiting hyperspace, followed by the Hellion's Dare, the pilots of Riot Squadron conducted a roll call, discovering that Moreno had not been able to follow them. Neek recounted witnessing the TIEs closing in on Moreno just before the hyperspace jump, and the other pilots declared Moreno as killed in action. Aboard the Hellion's Dare, a funeral service was held to mourn Moreno, during which Chadic insisted that the pilot could have survived.

Moreno was not the only loss suffered by Riot Squadron. The pilots of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing pursued the Hellion's Dare into the nearby Oridol Cluster, continuing their strategy of isolating a single pilot before the frigate could initiate a hyperspace jump, salvaging the jump coordinates from the fighters' wreckage. The New Republic pilots eventually discerned the 204th's tactics but lacked a countermeasure. During periods of rest between engagements aboard the Hellion's Dare, the surviving pilots continued to remember Moreno and the other fallen comrades. Ultimately, the Hellion's Dare itself was lost, with Wyl Lark and Chass na Chadic being the only survivors.

Personality and traits

While defending the Hellion's Dare over Jiruus, Moreno communicated concisely, outlining her plan using practiced shorthand. However, she quickly became frustrated when the 204th's pilots proved effective, expressing her frustration with curses. Moreno also verbally confronted Chass na Chadic when the pilot harassed her squadron mate Wyl Lark. According to Rununja, the commander of Riot Squadron, Moreno understood the pain of uncertainty, and would have preferred her fellow pilots to acknowledge her death rather than dwell on the possibilities of her survival.


During her time with Riot Squadron, Nasi Moreno flew an RZ-1 A-wing interceptor.

Behind the scenes

Nasi Moreno made her debut appearance in Alphabet Squadron, a novel authored by Alexander Freed and released in 2019.

