Neeka Sot, a female Yuuzhan Vong, hailed from an assassin sect and served the priest Harrar as his bodyguard in 27 ABY. She adopted the guise of a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, accompanying Harrar on his priestship during his and Khalee Lah's attempt to capture the Jedi Knight Jaina Solo amidst the Yuuzhan Vong War. While situated in Hapes Consortium space, Sot went with her master and Lah to meet with a couple of Hapan pirates, seeking their assistance in locating Solo. During this meeting, Lah, filled with contempt for the Hapan, attempted to kill one of the pirates, but Sot intervened at Harrar's command. Later, she did kill another pirate, following Harrar's instructions.
Neeka Sot, a Yuuzhan Vong female, was a member of an assassin sect that had trained her from birth to be adept at swift strikes. In 27 ABY, during the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of a galaxy beyond their own, Sot functioned as a bodyguard for the priest Harrar aboard his priestship, disguised as a regular warrior. In that year, Sot and Harrar were positioned near the planet Myrkr aboard the priestship because Warmaster Tsavong Lah had assigned Harrar and the warrior Khalee Lah the task of orchestrating the sacrifice of the Jedi Knight twins Jacen Solo and Jaina Solo. The Solo twins had participated in a strike team, primarily composed of Jedi, dispatched to the Baanu Rass worldship in orbit around Myrkr to neutralize the threat posed by the voxyn, creatures capable of hunting Jedi through the Force. While the team succeeded, Yuuzhan Vong forces under Executor Nom Anor captured Jacen.
While on the priestship, Sot provided Harrar with a communications villip, which he used to contact Anor and inquire about the twins' status. Harrar learned from Anor that Jacen was captured, but Jaina and some surviving members of the strike force had escaped aboard Anor's personal ship, the Ksstarr. After deducing that the survivors would likely head to the space controlled by the Hapes Consortium, an ally of the New Republic remnants in the war, Harrar and Lah directed the priestship to that region, with Sot in tow. Benwick Chell and Vonce, deserters from the Hapan Royal Navy who had become pirates and had also joined the Peace Brigade, rendezvoused with the Yuuzhan Vong to assist in capturing Jaina, and Sot was responsible for escorting the pair to her masters. Shortly after the meeting began, Lah grew enraged by the pair's desertion, which violated his principles, and he struck Chell in the throat, causing him to choke. Lah would have killed him, but Sot, acting on Harrar's signal, intervened and swiftly subdued the larger warrior.
The assassin then knelt, offering her throat to Lah as punishment for her offense. However, Harrar intervened, convincing Lah, who was angered by his lack of control over all warriors, that the priest had ordered it. The two Yuuzhan Vong then listened as Vonce shared information about the Solo family and their involvement in the fall of Coruscant to the invaders, while Chell continued to choke. Once Vonce finished, Harrar instructed Sot to kill the man by leaping onto his back and breaking his neck. The assassin then cleared Chell's throat before Harrar implanted a tizowyrm in the deserter's ear to facilitate communication between the pirate and the Yuuzhan Vong. Following Chell's departure, after being tasked by Harrar and Lah with capturing Jaina, Sot knelt before Lah to atone for her offense, but Lah allowed her to leave.
Neeka Sot bore green and yellow tattoos, and during the meeting with the Hapan pirates, she was disguised as a warrior, clad in a mottled green suit of Vonduun crab armor. Sot possessed a sense of honor, as demonstrated by her kneeling before Lah after subduing him, allowing him to deliver judgment, although Harrar shielded her from the warrior's wrath.
Sot, as an assassin, had been trained from birth to excel in close-quarters combat and swift attacks. However, according to Harrar, a warrior could supposedly defeat her easily if aware of her abilities. Sot demonstrated her capabilities by subduing the larger warrior Tsavong Lah and effortlessly killing the pirate Vonce.
Neeka Sot made an appearance in The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey, a novel authored by Elaine Cunningham and released in 2002 as part of The New Jedi Order book series.