
The Redeemer, a Venator-class Star Destroyer, served within the Galactic Republic's naval forces during the era of the Clone Wars. Integrated into the Open Circle Fleet and assigned to the task force under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, the Redeemer was deployed to the planet of Ryloth in 21 BBY. At that time, Ryloth was under a blockade imposed by the Separatist Alliance. Accompanied by the Venator-class vessels Resolute and Defender, the fleet arrived in orbit above Ryloth. Their mission was to break the blockade by deploying their starfighters.

As the Redeemer and the other two Venator-class ships remained outside the immediate combat zone, the Republic starfighters fought their way through vulture droids of the Separatists to initiate an attack on the battleship. However, this was a ruse orchestrated by Captain Mar Tuuk. Four additional Munificent-class star frigates reinforced the blockade, taking the Republic officers by surprise. Due to the trap, the Republic fleet was compelled to retreat into hyperspace, but the Redeemer was structurally compromised and broke apart before completing the jump.


The Redeemer functioned as a Venator-class Star Destroyer, fulfilling the roles of both a battleship and a starfighter carrier for the Galactic Republic Navy. Like other Venator-class vessels, this cruiser possessed two bridges; the port bridge served for starfighter control, while the starboard bridge was for general command functions. Each bridge, situated above the conning tower, featured a hyperwave comm scanner. The vessel was also equipped with a hyperdrive generator and utilized eight ion drive thrusters for propulsion.

For both offensive and defensive purposes, the Redeemer was equipped with standard Venator-class armaments. It carried eight DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets, medium dual turbolaser cannons, laser cannons, proton torpedo launchers, and tractor beam projectors. To denote its affiliation with the Open Circle Fleet of the Republic Navy, the Redeemer displayed the fleet's symbol and three red livery stripes on both the port and starboard sides of its hull.


Strike on the blockade

The Redeemer arrives in the Ryloth system with the Defender and the Resolute.

During the Clone Wars of 22 BBY, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the planet Ryloth was invaded by the Confederacy's droid armies, which led to a blockade being established in its orbit. In response to this invasion, the Republic Navy dispatched the Redeemer in 21 BBY as part of a fleet that included two other Venator-class Star Destroyers—the Resolute and the Defender. This fleet was under the leadership of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano. Their objective was to breach the blockade, thereby enabling a Republic invasion fleet to land on the planet.

Upon arriving in the Ryloth system, the Redeemer, along with the other two Venators, emerged from hyperspace and engaged the Separatist blockade. While the three Star Destroyers provided supporting fire, Blue Squadron, composed of V-19 Torrent starfighters and led by Tano, was deployed against the Lucrehulk-class Battleship under the command of Neimoidian Captain Mar Tuuk, along with its two _Munificent-class star frigates. The squadron successfully navigated through a swarm of enemy vulture droid starfighters to reach the Separatist command ship. However, as the V-19s approached the Lucrehulk, Tuuk called in four additional Munificent-class frigates from hyperspace to reinforce his forces. This development caught the Republic forces off guard, resulting in significant damage to the Redeemer and the other two Star Destroyers.

Redeemer's demise

While fleeing from the Ryloth system, the Redeemer is destroyed as its hull breaks apart.

With Skywalker's fleet facing overwhelming odds and sustaining severe damage, Republic Admiral Wullf Yularen ordered a complete withdrawal from the system, directing Tano and her squadron back to the Resolute to provide starfighter cover. However, the young Jedi, believing she could still break the blockade, defied her superior's orders. As a result of Tano's insubordination, the Redeemer and the fleet continued to suffer heavy damage from droid suicide attacks by Vulture droids. After losing the majority of Blue Squadron to enemy fighters, Tano returned to the fleet, enabling the Defender and the Resolute to retreat into hyperspace. Unfortunately, before the Redeemer could jump, its hull fractured in space due to the extensive damage it had sustained, leading to its destruction.

Despite the loss of the Redeemer, Skywalker and his diminished forces later succeeded in breaking the blockade during a second assault. The destruction of the blockade allowed an invasion fleet led by Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu to land on the planet's surface, which ultimately led to Ryloth's liberation from the Separatist Alliance with the assistance of native freedom fighters led by General Cham Syndulla.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of the Redeemer, albeit only in the episode's introductory newsreel, occurred in "Jedi Crash," the thirteenth episode of the first season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, which was broadcast on January 16, 2009. Its full appearance, along with its identification as the Redeemer, was later featured in the first season's nineteenth episode, "Storm Over Ryloth," which was aired on February 27 of the same year.

