Rum Sleg

A male bounty hunter of the humanoid variety, known as Rum Sleg, operated within the Mos Espa spaceport on the planet Tatooine around 32 BBY. During his time in the spaceport, he walked past a DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droid not long before he went to the Boonta Eve Classic podrace held at the Mos Espa Grand Arena. He watched from the stands, rooting for the Dug podracer Sebulba, who was ultimately defeated by the human racer Anakin Skywalker.


During the era of the Galactic Republic, Rum Sleg, a humanoid male, pursued the profession of bounty hunter. In the year 32 BBY, Sleg engaged in conversation with a human individual on the streets of the Mos Espa spaceport, situated on the planet Tatooine. Subsequently, he proceeded through the streets, passing by a DK-1 Dark Eye probe droid dispatched by Sith apprentice Darth Maul in search of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo.

The bounty hunter later made his way to the Boonta Eve Classic podracing competition, securing a spot in the stands of the Mos Espa Grand Arena, the location where each of the race's three circuits began and ended. Sleg voiced his support for Sebulba, the Dug podracer, as he sped through the arena in the lead after the first lap; however, during the race's final circuit, the Dug crashed and was overtaken by the human podracer Anakin Skywalker.


While present on Tatooine, Rum Sleg obscured his face with a visor painted with a skull design, in addition to wearing a red and black ensemble of armor, which included a helmet and a silver backpack. He also carried a blaster pistol in a holster attached to his belt.

Behind the scenes

Rum Sleg was portrayed by different actors in his two separate scenes.

Rum Sleg's initial appearance was as a background character within the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, part of the prequel trilogy. Alex Lindsay, a digital effects artist at Industrial Light & Magic, played him in the Mos Espa street scene. In 1998, Lindsay was taken to the Windward Stage and given what he described as a "scuba suit with helmet and accessories." He was recorded in the outfit, walking and speaking with Jonathan Rothbart, another digital effects artist; however, Rothbart was later rotoscoped out of the shot to make Sleg appear to be walking alone.

Lindsay suggests this may have been because Rothbart's face was too visible. Following the scene's filming, Lindsay was instructed to "t-pose" for images that would be used to create an action figure, which was eventually launched in 2009 as a component of the Star Wars: The Legacy Collection toyline. He speculates that he was chosen to portray the character simply because he fit the suit, but he did not get to keep the costume after filming and doubts it would have remained in good condition. A different actor played Sleg as he watched the podrace.

Within the current Star Wars canon, Rum Sleg's name was first utilized in the mobile card game Star Wars: Force Collection, which was originally released in 2013. Despite the fact that the launch of Force Collection occurred prior to the Star Wars canon reset in 2014, Leland Chee, a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group, verified that the game was continuously updated to align with canon. The character's name originated in the Boonta Eve Podrace expansion set of the Star Wars Legends Young Jedi Collectible Card Game, which was launched by Decipher in 2001. According to Chuck Kallenbach, an employee of Decipher, Rum Sleg was named after a character that Dan Bojanowski, another Decipher employee, played in a Star Wars role-playing game that Kallenbach oversaw. The character's signature phrase was "Just Chill!"

