Target Vader 5

Target Vader #5 represents the fifth installment, and second-to-last, in the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Target Vader. Robbie Thompson served as the writer, while Cris Bolson, Roberto Di Salvo, and Marco Failla provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it on November 13, 2019.

The story presented in this issue is called "The Past," and it centers on Beilert Valance's reflections on his history with the Empire as he attempts to break free from Darth Vader's grasp.

Publisher's Synopsis

A DARING ESCAPE ATTEMPT! Having been betrayed and captured, VALANCE now faces his predicament alone. Nevertheless, nothing can deter THE HUNTER from pursuing his target… DARTH VADER, who is also closing in on his own objective, THE HIDDEN HAND. This mysterious syndicate collaborates with the dregs of society, including villainous elements… and even the REBELLION. Can Valance leverage his past training as an Imperial to facilitate his escape… or will he discover an unexpected kinship with the Dark Lord?!

Detailed Plot

Joining the Imperial Forces

Valance during the Mimban campaign

In the years preceding the hunt for Vader, Beilert Valance is preparing to depart from Chorin to enlist within the ranks of the Imperial Navy. His lover, Yuralla Vega, presents him with a gemstone as a reminder of their bond and expresses her concern for his safety. Valance's father reminds him that his journey, while challenging, will not exceed the hardships of mining on Chorin, encouraging him to persevere.

Valance follows this advice, progressing through the Carida Academy, enduring a crash during the mission on Qhulosk, and serving as a stormtrooper. Eventually, during the Mimban Campaign, Valance and his fellow swamp troopers find themselves trapped in a trench, unable to call for aerial support. Despite the despair of two troopers who believe the Empire has abandoned them, Valance refuses to let them perish. He leads them out of the trench towards the rendezvous point. He is caught in an explosion and falls to the ground, but uses his father's words to tell his comrades to "keep going."

A Prisoner of Vader

In the present timeline, aboard the Star Destroyer named Vengeance, Valance is confined to a prison cell, constantly reciting the same mantra to the IT-O Interrogation Units surrounding him. In the Vengeance's hangar, Darth Vader is interrogating Dengar regarding the Hidden Hand. Dengar claims to have disclosed all his knowledge, adding that Valance has been uncooperative. Vader allows Dengar to leave, assuring him that the Galactic Empire knows how to locate him if needed. Returning to Valance's cell, Vader activates a holo-map and inquires about Valance's interpretation of the map. The bounty hunter initially jokes that the map marked his favorite places to drink before explaining that it really marked Hidden Hand outposts Vader already eliminated. Vader presses on with his mind probe.

Seeking Justice for Chorin

Valance is discharged from the Empire

Earlier, at an Imperial medical facility, Valance is adjusting to his new mechanical arms and legs, replacements for those lost on Mimban. His former instructor, Yurib Nakan, visits him to inform him of his discharge from the Empire, considering him fortunate to return home, unlike many other Imperial soldiers. Upon returning to Chorin aboard a Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttle, Valance discovers his village in ruins. He expresses his remorse at his father's grave and encounters Yuralla, who explains that after the Empire depleted their mines and departed, raiders attacked. Valance vows to find the raiders and avenge his people, urging the survivors to remain safe in their ravaged village.

A Newfound Purpose

Valance regains consciousness and breaks off his left cybernetic arm to free himself from the interrogation chair. He examines the Hidden Hand holo-map one last time by connecting himself to the system. He then defeats the guards outside and uses their stormtrooper armor as a disguise. Upon reaching the hangar bay, he is surprised to find his ship, the Broken Wing, repaired and ready. Darth Vader confronts him, stating that it is time for him to return home. Together, they travel to Chorin, landing at the spot where Valance initially searched for the raiders responsible for his home's destruction. Valance admits that both he and the Empire abandoned Chorin, allowing the raiders to evolve into the Hidden Hand. Vader assures him that the remaining villagers are safe for now and offers Valance a position within the Empire to guarantee their continued safety.

Valance prepared to take revenge

Valance then journeys to a clandestine rebel outpost located on Lowik to locate Gita, who had escaped from Vader, and Aeliar, her commanding officer. Aeliar expresses surprise at Valance's discovery of their base, but Valance simply explains that the Rebel Alliance requires weapons, he seeks to destroy the Hidden Hand, and a location on the holo-map he accessed contains both.


Different Versions

Cover Images

