The Lost Stories, Part 3

title: "The Lost Stories, Part 3"

A comic book tale titled "The Lost Stories, Part 3" showcases Emil Graf. Cavan Scott penned the story, David M. Buisán provided the illustrations, and it saw publication within the pages of Star Wars Adventures (2017) 32 on July 15, 2020.

Plot summary

Emil Graf found himself pursued by Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi upon the planet of Coruscant. However, his flight was interrupted by a collision with a tree, which led to an unexpected babysitting gig involving the Wookiees named D'Koetaa, D'Lylaa, and Wyhyatt. In the midst of struggling to recall their names, Graf was suddenly thrust into the heart of the Boonta Eve Classic, witnessing the rivalry between a young Anakin Skywalker and Sebulba. A subsequent fall transported him into the clutches of the bounty hunter assassin droid IG-88. The bizarre journey continued as he found himself speeding alongside Azool Phantelle only to be ensnared by carnivorous plants native to Opop Hibbedit. Finally, he was seen leaping over obstacles with Barriss Offee and making a desperate escape from a wampa alongside Reebak. The Tarinna was in the process of extracting every story that Graf had ever conceived directly from his mind. Once the extraction was complete, it congratulated itself while preparing to "consume" these tales. Concerned about the situation, the Kowakian monkey-lizard Noni scurried over to CR-8R, also known as "Crater," who was incapacitated after being stunned by the Tarinna. Acting swiftly, she seized the wires of the damaged librarian droids and used them to jump-start both Crater and BB-00, or "Boo," who was also offline. With their systems restored, Crater and Boo were prepared to confront the Tarinna.

As the Tarinna persisted in draining stories from Graf's head, Crater, positioned at the base of the bookcase, declared his intention to overwhelm the Tarinna with a multitude of narratives, activating his holoprojector. Instantly, a plethora of holographic cards materialized, each containing a story that Graf and Crater had shared during their escapades through Wild Space. The Tarinna released Graf and turned its attention to Crater, eager to acquire his stories.

It lunged at Crater, inadvertently knocking Graf from the bookcase to the floor, where Boo managed to catch him. In a bid to protect Crater, they toppled the bookcase onto the Tarinna, allowing Crater to evade the attack. Subsequently, they all concurred that immediate departure was the wisest course of action.

Back aboard the Star Herald, Crater inquired about Graf's well-being. Graf expressed his satisfaction with their actions. However, Crater remained unconvinced, still perplexed by the enigma of the Graf family despite his years of service alongside them. Although Graf had lost the majority of his stories, he declared that it was of no consequence, much to the astonishment of the others. He reasoned that they had simply created a new story together, and that many more adventures awaited them.
