The tintolive tree was a specific variety of tree that grew on the Core World of Chandrila, known for producing the fruit called tintolives. Notably, in 5 ABY, the Galactic Concordance, which marked the end of the Galactic Civil War fought between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic, was formally signed beneath an old tintolive tree. This signing was conducted by Chancellor Mon Mothma and Grand Vizier Mas Amedda and took place on the crystalline cliffs to the north of Hanna City, the capital city of Chandrila.
Sometime around 34 ABY to 35 ABY, Strono "Cookie" Tuggs, an Artiodac chef, became aware of Chandrila's tintolive trees and journeyed there during a culinary exploration to gather some of the fruit. In the latter year, Tuggs documented his Chandrila visit and included a recipe for Chandrilan Cheese Board, a dish utilizing tintolives from these trees, in his third cookbook titled The Ultimate Cookbook.
The tintolive tree was introduced into current Star Wars canon through the 2017 novel Aftermath: Empire's End, which was penned by Chuck Wendig. However, tintolive trees initially appeared within the Star Wars Legends continuity in the 2001 novel The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth, authored by Greg Keyes.