Ulaf's replacement

In 5 BBY, the Galactic Empire condemned a male human to incarceration at the Imperial Prison Complex situated on the moon of Narkina 5. This individual then became the replacement for Ulaf, a deceased inmate, within Unit Five-Two-D of the prison. Before being escorted into the main area, the new arrival was brought to the guard station of room five-two, where a guard menaced him with a zap rod.

As the new inmate and a security officer were being lowered into the room via a platform, the other prisoners in the unit initiated an escape attempt, halting the lift's descent midway. The guard used the zap rod to shock the new inmate, but subsequently fell himself when the lift became unbalanced. Capitalizing on the opportunity for retribution, Ulaf's successor used the guard's own zap rod to shock him, before another guard fatally shot the new prisoner.


New man on the block

Ulaf's replacement was threatend by a guard in the room five-two guard box.

A male human prisoner found himself on the moon of Narkina 5 in 5 BBY. He was there to serve a prison term in the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex, having been sentenced by the Galactic Empire. Following the death of Ulaf on the previous day, the new arrival was assigned to Unit Five-Two-D as his replacement.

Two guards escorted Ulaf's successor to the guard station overlooking room five-two. Inside, the members of Unit Five-Two-D were already in the middle of their shift, assembling EP-N5 fasteners, a component used in complex Imperial machinery. The guard at the console instructed the new prisoner to stand "on program," and once the trembling prisoner complied, another guard ordered him forward, threatening him with a zap rod. While the guards discussed a delayed check from elsewhere in the prison, the guard with the zap rod activated it near the prisoner, reminding him to keep his eyes forward.

A short sentence

Ulaf's replacement was sentenced to serve in Unit Five-Two-D of the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex.

Inside room five-two, the rest of Unit Five-Two-D were anxiously awaiting the new prisoner's arrival. The shift had developed a plan to escape, based around the arrival of Ulaf's replacement, after realizing the Empire would never release them. They had armed themselves and cut through a pipe in the refresher, causing flooding on the tunqstoid steel floor, which they intended to use to shock the guards. As two more guards arrived in the guard box, the console guard requested a unit override to bring the prisoner into the room after another guard checked on the prisoners through an observation window.

The guards, believing everything was normal, ordered Unit Five-Two-D to get "on program" and three of them escorted Ulaf's replacement onto the catwalk overlooking room five-two. After floor manager Kino Loy announced the arrival of the new inmate, Ulaf's replacement and the guard with the zap rod started to descend on a lift to the room's floor. As they descended, prisoners Xaul and Ham pretended to fight to distract the guards, allowing Cassian Andor to jam his ratchet into the lift's track rail, stopping it midway.

Ulaf's replacement took revenge on the guard who had shocked and threatened him.

As the lift shuddered, the new prisoner grabbed the railing while Birnok climbed onto the lift. To clear the way for the other guards to shoot Birnok, the guard with the zap rod shocked Ulaf's replacement, causing him to collapse. The lift then tilted under Birnok's weight, causing the zap rod-wielding guard to fall. The new prisoner seized the opportunity, grabbed the fallen zap rod, and shocked the guard. A guard on the catwalk then shot and killed the new prisoner. Ultimately, the prisoners of Unit Five-Two-D killed the guards, seized control of the prison, and escaped en masse.

Personality and traits

While being processed at Narkina 5, the prisoner trembled while receiving orders, but when the opportunity arose, he armed himself and retaliated against a guard who had threatened and shocked him. He possessed light skin, brown hair, and green eyes.


The prisoner wore thin, white and orange prison scrubs and no footwear. He used a stolen zap rod to attack a guard.

Behind the scenes

Ulaf's replacement, portrayed by an uncredited actor, appeared in "One Way Out," the tenth episode of Andor, a television series on Disney+'s first season, which was broadcast on November 9, 2022. The Narkina 5 prison sequences were the last scenes filmed for the first season of Andor, and the scenes featuring the prisoner were filmed at Pinewood Studios in London.

