A clone trooper served within the 501st Legion's 332nd Company as the Clone Wars drew to a close. Following the Siege of Mandalore's conclusion, this trooper found himself aboard the Tribunal, a Venator-class Star Destroyer en route from Mandalore to Coruscant. It was during this journey that Order 66 was executed, compelling the clones to betray their Jedi Generals. Subsequently, he took part in the pursuit of Ahsoka Tano, the former Padawan who had acted as the unofficial commander for the division during the siege. To create a distraction, Tano released the Sith Lord Maul, who was being held as a prisoner on the ship. In the ensuing chaos, the clone trooper suffered a severe injury at the hands of Maul, who used telekinesis to sever his [arm](/article/limb] with a closing blast door. This allowed Maul to steal his wrist comm in order to listen in on the clones' communications. Ultimately, he died when the Star Destroyer crashed onto a nearby moon.
The clone trooper was part of the 332nd Company that accompanied [Ahsoka Tano](/article/ahsoka_tano], an ex-Jedi Padawan, during the Siege of Mandalore in 19 BBY. With the battle over, the trooper traveled with the rest of the company from Mandalore aboard the Tribunal, a Venator-class Star Destroyer. Not long after, Darth Sidious initiated Order 66, forcing the clones to turn against and eliminate their Jedi commanding officers. After the 332nd Company followed the order and assaulted Tano, she narrowly escaped the bridge of the Venator and proceeded to the detention area to free Maul, who was being held as a prisoner after his capture on Mandalore. Her intention was to create a diversion. Tano then sought to uncover the reason for the clones' sudden change in behavior, eventually capturing Clone Commander Rex in order to free him from the control exerted by his control chip.
Maul proceeded to engage numerous clones in combat, eventually reaching a corridor where the trooper and his fellow soldiers opened fire upon him. The rogue Sith used the Force to rip sections of the hallway apart, using them as shields against the clones' blaster fire and hurling them at the clones to kill them. In his rampage, Maul killed "Ridge" and another clone by impaling them with a piece of the wall. With only the trooper and two other soldiers remaining, he reported Maul's progress and direction towards the hangar to Rex, who was still under mind control at the time. Shortly after, Maul disarmed the other two clones by throwing their blasters away. This clone, still armed, provided cover for the other troopers as they closed the blast door on Rex's command. He continued to fire at Maul as he approached the doors. He made it through the doorway, but as it was closing, Maul used the Force to grab his arm, holding it in place so that the limb would be severed by the closing door.

Another clone grabbed his arm and attempted to pull him back, but was unsuccessful. The closing blast door severed the trooper's arm, and Maul knelt down to listen to the chatter on the wrist comm attached to the severed limb, including Rex's attempts to get a response from the trooper regarding Maul's location. Maul then stole the comlink and used it to evade the clones on his way to the [hyperdrive](/article/hyperdrive], which he destroyed, causing the Star Destroyer to crash on a moon. This resulted in the death of the trooper and all others still onboard the vessel. The only survivors were Maul, who escaped via a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle, and Tano and Rex, who survived by commandeering a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber. In the aftermath, Tano and Rex visited the crash site, where Rex gathered supplies and Tano buried the fallen clones, marking their graves with their helmets placed on poles as memorials.
Being a clone of Jango Fett, his height was 1.83 meters. The trooper demonstrated bravery by continuing to engage Maul with blaster fire even as the Sith Lord cut down his comrades. He also displayed anxiety when instructing the other two clones to seal the door, knowing that the former Sith would not hesitate to kill them. Like all the other clones aboard the Star Destroyer, his control chip had brainwashed him to follow Order 66.
This clone trooper was equipped with Phase II clone trooper armor, bearing the markings of the 501st Legion and 332nd Company, including a helmet decorated to resemble Ahsoka Tano's Togruta facial markings. He also carried a DC-15A blaster carbine.