Unidentified Jedi youngling

A Jedi youngling, who was a male human, entered the tutelage of the Jedi Order prior to the conclusion of the Clone Wars. In 19 BBY, he found himself at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant during an assault led by the newly appointed Sith Lord Darth Vader against the Jedi. Vader murdered the young boy within the Jedi Council Chamber, making him one of the initial casualties of the Great Jedi Purge.


A short life

Sometime during the last years of the Republic Era, the youngling became a member of the Jedi Order and underwent training in the Jedi ways throughout the Clone Wars, a pan-galactic conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He received instruction inside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant not long before the end of the war. In 19 BBY, Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, was seduced to the dark side by Darth Sidious, who convinced the young man that the Jedi had become enemies of the Republic. Sidious commanded Skywalker, who was now known as Darth Vader, to kill every Jedi within the Temple's premises.

The youngling directly before being killed by Darth Vader.

Vader commanded the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic in a siege against the Temple, entering the structure and wiping out the Jedi inside. The youngling, along with several other initiates, escaped to the Jedi Council Chamber, where they took cover behind the chairs used by the Council members. Vader subsequently entered the chamber, causing the youngling, who recognized the Jedi hero, to come out of hiding and inquire about their plan against the overwhelming number of clone troopers. To the child's horror, the Sith Lord activated his lightsaber and began to massacre the younglings.


Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi would later discover Vader's murder of the youngling and his companions. After Sidious proclaimed himself the leader of the newly formed Galactic Empire, Kenobi informed Padmé Amidala, Skywalker's wife, about the atrocities her husband had committed. Initially disbelieving that he could kill children, Amidala later confronted Vader on Mustafar, where she realized that the man she loved had indeed succumbed to the dark side.

The youngling's demise became one of the many counted as part of the Great Jedi Purge, Sidious' endeavor to rid the galaxy of the Jedi Order, although some Jedi survived. By 18 BBY, the rogue Padawan Ferren Barr had learned of Skywalker's treachery, including his murder of the younglings, and kept files regarding the Purge inside his R1-series astromech droid Endee. He later told his disciples about the children's death at Vader's hand during the Invasion of Mon Cala.

Personality and traits

The youngling was a human male child who had blond hair and blue eyes. He had light skin and, just prior to his death, rosy cheeks. He placed his trust in Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, looking to the older individual for guidance for the younglings against the clone trooper threat.


Like other Jedi initiates, the youngling wore standard Jedi apparel, which included a sandy-colored tunic, along with a brown belt and boots. He also had a Padawan braid hanging from his head. He was holding a lightsaber when he was threatened by Lord Vader on Coruscant.

Behind the scenes

The youngling's initial appearance occurred in the 2005 movie Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the final film of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, within a scene filmed during additional shooting. While unnamed in Star Wars canon, he was identified as Sors Bandeam in the Legends continuity. Ross Beadman portrayed him in an uncredited performance, and the character's in-universe name was derived from Beadman's name. The youngling scene has gained a certain level of notoriety since its release.

