Weeteef Cyu-Bee

Weeteef Cyu-Bee was a Talpini male, identified by his gender, who became known as one of the most devastating members of Saw Gerrera's group of Partisans operating on Jedha. The small Talpini was able to conceal himself with ease amidst the taller individuals who gathered in the Holy city. Cyu-Bee, a skilled sniper, was an expert in explosives and constructed the adhesive bombs deployed against the Imperial patrols made up of AT-ST walkers and TX-225 assault tanks.


Weeteef during the Battle of Jedha

Weeteef Cyu-Bee, a male of the small Talpini species hailing from Tal Pi, affiliated himself with Saw Gerrera's Partisans on the moon of Jedha before the Galactic Civil War began. He became a very useful asset to the group, and was also one of the most destructive fighters in the Partisans, relative to his size. His small stature gave him the ability to easily blend in among the taller beings populating the streets of Jedha City, which led to him being assigned infiltration missions into the city because of his size. Weeteef, a sharpshooter who usually carried a blaster pistol, also used a tibanna-jacked DH-17/E-11 hybrid custom blaster rifle. Additionally, he was a specialist in explosives. He built custom sticky bombs that the Partisans used against Imperial patrol vehicles within the Holy City, where he used his creations to destroy All Terrain Scout Transports and TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tanks.

Weeteef took part in a skirmish against an Imperial patrol in Tythoni Square in 0 BBY. Weeteef's fellow rebels launched an attack on a TX-225 and its stormtrooper guards in an attempt to seize the kyber crystal containers that were being transported. Weeteef took cover behind a short wall, maintained communication with his allies via comlink, and started firing after explosives were deployed against the patrol. After the battle, Weeteef went back to the Partisans' base located in the Catacombs of Cadera, handing over his blaster while the human Jyn Erso, who claimed to know Gerrera, was escorted through the chambers to meet with Gerrera.

Behind the scenes

Weeteef Cyu-Bee was a character designed for the 2016 film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and is played by Warwick Davis with an animatronic headpiece. His appearance was inspired by the piranha fish, and his name is a casual play on his small, sharp incisors ("wee teeth"). His production name was "Tiny Teef" because of his small teeth. When the decision was made that his real name would include Cyu-Bee, Pablo Hidalgo insisted that Cyu-Bee only be part of his name and that his full name must begin with Weeteef.

