In the realm of animated television, "Wolves and a Door" marks the twelfth installment of _Star Wars Rebels's fourth season. Viewers first experienced this episode on February 26, 2018.
The episode commences with a loth-cat perched upon a loth-wolf's back, observing the Lothal cliff dwelling where the rebel cell known as the Spectres is gathered. Inside, Ezra Bridger briefs his companions regarding the stone he obtained from the Lothal Jedi Temple. Hera Syndulla inquires about the stone's origin, prompting Ezra to explain that the loth-wolves entrusted it to him, citing the Empire's "terrible" actions there. Despite Garazeb Orrelios's skepticism, Ezra clarifies that only their leader, Dume, communicated with him. Intrigued by the symbols' meaning, Sabine Wren suggests an investigation at the temple. Ezra concurs, while Hera pledges to thwart the Empire in honor of Kanan Jarrus. Sabine reminds them of the temple's remote northern location and their lack of a starship, to which Ezra assures them he can facilitate their journey.
Outside the cliff dwelling, Ezra employs the Force to beckon the loth-wolves. The loth-wolves, led by a white wolf, approach the Spectres. Ezra communicates their readiness to the lead wolf, requesting transportation. The white wolf obliges, allowing Ezra to mount him. Hera mounts a second wolf. When Zeb questions their speed compared to speeders, Sabine retorts that the wolves brought them here initially and can likely reach the temple as well. Sabine becomes the third to mount a wolf, while a visibly uneasy Zeb attempts to befriend his mount. The fourth wolf carries the C1-series astromech droid Chopper within its mouth.
The pack journeys northward, passing a group of loth-cats. Their travel occurs under the cover of darkness. Zeb inquires about the distance to the temple, to which Sabine replies that they'd rather not know. Ezra instructs them to hold on tightly. They traverse a hyper tunnel, where they perceive fleeting voices. At dawn, Hera awakens on her mount. The Spectres dismount. Sabine asks Zeb if he heard the voices, but he has no recollection. Zeb's loth-wolf drops Chopper from its mouth, eliciting a grumble from the droid. The Spectres and Dume gaze upon the valley from a cliff. Ezra informs them that the wolves indicate the Jedi Temple is nearby but requires them to proceed on foot.
Hera inquires about their mode of transportation, to which Ezra admits ignorance but recalls Kanan's assertion that the wolves are deeply connected to the Force. Zeb expresses gratitude for the wolves' allegiance, with Ezra adding that they are on Lothal's side. When Sabine questions its significance, he expresses hope that it matters. Ezra urges them to move forward.
As dusk falls, the Spectres arrive at the Lothal Jedi Temple's boundaries. They observe that the Empire has established an excavation camp. Sabine notices several Rodian and Trandoshan miners working at the site, deducing that it is not a military operation. Ezra volunteers to investigate. Through macrobinoculars, Ezra discovers that both doors are missing and one is being cut through. Sabine inquires if it is the Temple, and Ezra confirms it, noting that it must have sealed itself.
Hera questions the Empire's intentions. Sabine observes uncovered artwork and offers to investigate. Hera dispatches Ezra and Sabine to investigate, while the others maintain watch. Zeb spots a pair of scout troopers riding speeder bikes below the perimeter, prompting the need for disguises. The Spectres employ a hologram message of Grand Admiral Thrawn from the Battle of Atollon to deceive the scout troopers into dismounting. Zeb incapacitates the female scout trooper, while Chopper terminates the transmission. After donning the scout troopers' armor, Ezra and Sabine depart towards the Imperial camp, while Hera, Zeb, and Chopper remain vigilant.
Ezra and Sabine pass Rodian miners transporting artwork and other artifacts from the Temple. Sabine notes that the art is pictorial rather than textual. Ezra recalls similar paintings within the Jedi Temple. They are interrupted by Minister Veris Hydan, who orders them to leave immediately. He reiterates that no one should touch the artifacts, as even the slightest blemish could erase evidence crucial to understanding the "Gateway." Ezra apologizes.
A death trooper then informs Hydan that Coruscant is attempting to contact him. The Minister warns the death trooper commander that this reflects poorly on him. The commander demands Ezra and Sabine provide their numbers and clearance codes. However, Ezra employs a Jedi mind trick to dissuade the commander. Zeb observes from above and asks Hera about the "old man." She admits ignorance, having never seen an Imperial like him.
Later, Sabine instructs Chopper to reroute the incoming Imperial transmission. Chopper complies, and the rebels eavesdrop on Minister Hydan informing the Emperor of their remarkable discoveries. The Emperor tasks Hydan with uncovering the Temple's secrets, citing their enemies' actions. Inside the mobile command center, Minister Hydan informs the Emperor that they have reached the Temple's roots and discovered symbols and iconography reminiscent of the art within the former Jedi Temple on Coruscant, relating to the Mortis gods.
Hydan believes they hold the key to unlocking the Temple. The Emperor notes a great disturbance in the Force: Kanan Jarrus's death has altered Lothal's fate, but he is unsure how. Hydan suggests unlocking the Temple, and the Emperor vows to seize the power within: the conduit between the living and the dead. He orders Minister Hydan to proceed.
Sabine inquires about their course of action, and Hera expresses unease. She suggests retreating due to the Emperor's involvement. Ezra disagrees, arguing that the Emperor's presence necessitates their intervention. Sabine concurs, warning that the Imperials will soon crack the code. Hera hesitates until Zeb reminds her of their purpose. Hera senses Kanan's presence but the others do not. She tells Ezra and Sabine to proceed, promising to keep watch but warning them to be prepared to leave. Ezra and Sabine comply, with Zeb assuring them they will be fine. Hera responds that she once believed that.
Over the klaxons, an Imperial announcement warns of a safety hazard within 25 meters of the Temple, exempting special teams and cautioning about static charge. Minister Hydan orders the Mining Guild excavation driller to be moved into position and mandates double shifts throughout the night. He instructs troops and workers to remain silent and within designated areas. He also orders the floodlights to illuminate a mural of the Mortis gods. Sabine is awestruck by the art. Ezra has never seen it before but acknowledges the Temple's surprises. A Mining Guild official informs Lord Hydan of the discovery of more symbols.
With the Minister distracted, Ezra asks Sabine if she can decipher the mural. Sabine notes its age and intricacy, questioning its meaning. Ezra gazes at the Daughter, the Son, and the Father. He spots a convor bird perched on the Daughter's right arm. Ezra recalls the bird's presence whenever Ahsoka Tano visited them on Atollon. Ezra also notices loth-wolves at the painting's base. Sabine activates a hologram of the stone painting the wolves gave Ezra and notices that the figures' hands are in the same position as those on the stone.
Ezra realizes its significance. Sabine recalls that art has meaning. She deduces that the painting is a star map, with lines representing paths and rings representing planets and doorways. Ezra inquires which one leads into the Temple, and Sabine says they are about to find out. When Ezra asks how they will open the door, Sabine explains that the hands represent different configurations. Currently, it aligns with the central figure, the Father. She believes they need the configuration where the lines converge and instructs Ezra to do his "thing". Ezra replies that it requires a master and an apprentice. Sabine urges him to act quickly due to the stormtrooper sentries.
Ezra climbs a rock to reach the mural, while Sabine keeps watch. He touches the Daughter's hand. Sabine tells him to get down as a stormtrooper asks LS-515 why she isn't on patrol. Sabine claims she saw something moving but that it was a shadow. The stormtrooper reminds her that it is a restricted area. Sabine claims she was following protocol Code 6110. The troopers says that this is a military code and that the operation is classified under Directive AT-14. Sabine apologizes.
Meanwhile, Ezra recalls that he has to listen to the stone and its story. The stormtrooper tells Sabine her activity is irregular. Sabine tries to move away but the stormtrooper insists he is just following protocol. Ezra touches the Daughter's hand just as the stormtrooper says "it's affirmative" on his comlink. When Sabine says she doesn't have time for this, the stormtroopers tells her that Operations Control says that she and LS-412 deviated from their patrol route and never finished the perimeter sweep. Sabine offers to go to Operations and sort it out. The second stormtrooper then complains about having to file a report.
Ezra recalls Kanan's instruction to listen. He touches the Daughter's hand, and the painting illuminates. The Daughter's head turns, and the Father points his left hand at the Son's fist Ezra hears voices as the loth-wolf paintings come to life and start howling. The loth-wolves walk across the wall, and Ezra follows them. Sabine is led away by stormtroopers. Hera and Zeb witness this, and Zeb asks if she has been discovered. When Zeb asks about Ezra, Hera responds that he went to the shadows and that she saw the painting move. Disbelieving, Zeb takes over the macrobinoculars.
Ezra follows the loth-wolves inside the cave. He finds that the wolves are forming a circle on the rock. Ezra takes off his scout trooper helmet and realizes that the circle is the Gateway. Minister Hydan is inspecting an artifact brought by a Rodian miner when a disguised Sabine arrives flanked by two stormtroopers. Minister Hydan approaches her and the stormtroopers report they are bringing her for processing because of discrepancies. Hydan remarks that there is indeed a discrepancy and lifts the face plate of Sabine's helmet. Hydan asks who she is and where is her friend.
When Sabine does not respond, he orders his troops to restrain her, lock down the perimeter, and to order all units to report in because they have an impostor loose on site. Klaxons begin ringing. Hera, Zeb, and Chopper retreat while Ezra finds that the Gateway leads to a portal. Just then, several stormtroopers and death troopers close in on him in Sector 352. Minister Hydan arrives with Sabine in tow. He realizes that Ezra has discovered the Gateway. Sabine tells Ezra to go in and he jumps inside. The stormtroopers tried to follow but the portal seals as dramatic music starts to play, with Sabine being shocked that Ezra is trapped inside.
The public address announcements preceding the Mortis God mural's revelation bear a striking resemblance to those during the mothership's arrival in Close Encounters of the Third Kind