Galdros was a Force-sensitive human who served as a Jedi of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. In 231 BBY, Galdros was present aboard the starcruiser Ataraxia as the Jedi kept track of the Jedi Knights Keeve Trennis and Terec, who were infiltrating the Nihil marauder organization in an attempt to investigate rumors of the group's new Eye and discover their identity.
After the Twi'lek Lourna Dee, who the Jedi suspected was the former Eye and was believed killed, revealed herself to be still alive, she unleashed the Great Leveler creature against Trennis and Terec. This ultimately led the Ataraxia to the planet Xais, where Galdros and Jedi Knight Nooranbakarakana remained aboard the Ataraxia as Jedi Masters Marshal Avar Kriss and Sskeer rescued Trennis and Terec.
Galdros was a Force-sensitive human who served as a Jedi of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. In 231 BBY, after the Nihil marauder organization attacked the Republic Fair on the planet Valo, the Jedi and Galactic Republic began a counterstrike against the Nihil. With the believed death of their suspected Eye, the Twi'lek Lourna Dee, at the Battle of Galov, the Jedi of the space station Starlight Beacon believed the Nihil forces were scattering and in disarray. In an attempt to investigate rumors that a new Eye had replaced Dee and discover their identity, Jedi Knights Keeve Trennis and Terec were sent to infiltrate the Nihil.
As the Knights infiltrated a Nihil gas foundry on the planet Xais, Galdros was present on the Jedi starcruiser Ataraxia under the command of Jedi Master Marshal Avar Kriss, where they kept track of the two via Terec's connection with their bond-twin Ceret. Galdros was stationed at a computer when Kriss and Ceret spoke about whether they were still able to sense Terec, which Ceret confirmed was the case. A short while later, the cover of the two Jedi Knights was blown, and a skirmish broke out. During the altercation, Dee revealed herself to be alive and unleashed the Great Leveler, a creature that fed on Force-sensitives and petrified them, against the two Jedi. As Terec and Ceret were both turning into stone due to their connection, the latter was able to use the same connection to lead the Ataraxia to Xais.
After they arrived, the Ataraxia came under attack from Nihil fighters. In response, Kriss instructed Galdros and the Jedi Knight Nooranbakarakana to remain aboard the Ataraxia while she and Jedi Master Sskeer dealt with the combatants. As the two left, Nooran responded that the Force would guide them, and Galdros reported that their scopes had picked up a second wave of Nihil fighters. Kriss and Sskeer successfully rescued Trennis and Terec, and they eventually returned to Starlight Beacon.
While on the Ataraxia, Galdros wore brown Jedi robes.
Galdros first appeared, albeit unidentified, in the tenth issue of the 2021 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic, released as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I. The issue was written by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Georges Jeanty, and published by Marvel Comics on October 20, 2021. The character was identified by name in the eleventh issue, also written by Scott, illustrated by Jeanty, and published by Marvel on November 10 of the same year.