

In the days of the Galactic Republic, Quarren engineers resided at the planet Pammant. By 32 BBY, the engineers established both the Quarren Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps (QFD) and shipbuilding facilities that were to be used by the company, while others formed a second corporation at the planet, the Pammant Docks, creating a partnership between the two. Around 32 BBY, following an unsuccessful invasion of the planet Naboo by the Trade Federation, the Quarren shipwrights designed and constructed the Providence-class Dreadnought at the Federation's request, introducing the new class with the Invisible Hand as Viceroy Nute Gunray's flagship.

Pammant was the birthplace of the Providence-class Dreadnought (pictured).

Pammant was the birthplace of the Providence-class Dreadnought (pictured).

Years later, Pammant was brought under the banner of the Confederacy of Independent Systems after both QFD and Pammant Docks allied themselves with the government. With the initial Separatist armada organized from heavily armed bulk transports of allied corporations, the two shipbuilding companies and other allies worked to create an acceptable naval force. With their Quarren allies, the Separatists were able to quickly produce large numbers of capital ships crewed by B1-series battle droids and stocked with various starfighters, including additional units of the Providence-class constructed at Pammant's facilities. After the Clone Wars broke out in 22 BBY, both QFD and Pammant Docks were enlisted to construct another new warship design, the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser blueprinted by Ruggle Schmong for the Separatists. Secretly built at a cavernous dry dock far from Republic spies, the Subjugator-class Malevolence was then deployed by the Separatists in a multi-month campaign against the Republic, serving as the class's lead starship and initial testbed, but the campaign ultimately ended after the ship's destruction.

By 14 BBY, during the reign of the Galactic Empire, QFD and Pammant Docks no longer maintained a mutual partnership. That year, the Empire's Sentinel Base in the Arkanis sector was attacked by a group of insurgents led by Imperial defector Berch Teller that utilized a downsized version of Providence-class Dreadnought as Teller's flagship. The vessel incorporated technologies from the Separatist dreadnought Lucid Voice, built at Pammant by QFD. Though the latter ship had been dismantled four years prior at the Bilbringi shipyards, the Empire acted with caution and contacted both Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps and Pammant Docks to find out if the companies had supervised the dreadnought's rebuilding.


Pammant was host to several shipbuilding factories and at least one large dry dock. At the factories of Pammant, various starships were constructed that were exported off the planet for organizations such as the Trade Federation and Separatist Alliance.

Behind the scenes

Pammant was first mentioned in the current Star Wars canon in Tarkin, a 2014 novel authored by James Luceno. Originally, it was introduced in the Star Wars Legends continuity via Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections, a 2005 reference book written by Curtis Saxton. Pammant later made its first full Legends appearance in the "Card Commander" minigame, a part of the 2010 video game Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures by Sony Online Entertainment.










