Tann Gella

The Dug planned to take part in the Boonta Eve Classic podrace outside Mos Espa spaceport, and before the race began, the twins helped Sebulba prepare. While he sat with his podracer in the Mos Espa Grand Arena's hangar, Tann massaged his shoulders while Ann manicured his toenails. The Dug enjoyed the ministrations of the Twi'leks and considered them comely, although he was actually using the massage as a cover so he could guard his vehicle from race officials and other pilots. Tann had blue skin and brown eyes. The twins wore matching yellow net outfits with a gray headpiece and a silver collar while on Tatooine.

Tann Gella was portrayed by actress Nishan Hindes in the film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace which was released on May 19, 1999. Nishan acted alongside her real-life twin sister, Nifa Hindes, who played Ann Gella. Their scene was filmed on B Stage at Leavesden Studios.

Tann did not receive a name in the film and was first identified in the current Star Wars canon by the mobile card game Star Wars: Force Collection, which initially launched in 2013. Although the launch of Force Collection predates the Star Wars canon reset of 2014, Lucasfilm Story Group member Leland Chee confirmed that the game was kept updated to fit with canon. The name originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first used in the Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary reference book written by David West Reynolds and released on May 26, 1999.

Behind the scenes

Tann Gella was portrayed by actress Nishan Hindes in the film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace which was released on May 19, 1999. Nishan acted alongside her real-life twin sister, Nifa Hindes, who played Ann Gella. Their scene was filmed on B Stage at Leavesden Studios.

Tann did not receive a name in the film and was first identified in the current Star Wars canon by the mobile card game Star Wars: Force Collection, which initially launched in 2013. Although the launch of Force Collection predates the Star Wars canon reset of 2014, Lucasfilm Story Group member Leland Chee confirmed that the game was kept updated to fit with canon. The name originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first used in the Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary reference book written by David West Reynolds and released on May 26, 1999.
















